I'm a Masters student in University of Sussex, studying Media Practice for Development and Social Change. Part of our assesment is to create a podcast and a short documentary in December. Me and 2 other girls decided to do on the topic of Sex Work in the UK and we want to break the stigma around it, especially towards the women in sex work. Our outline and aim is to create a short documentary of 4-6 minutes with 3 parts. The first part will be about the stigma around sex work and stereotyping women in sex work, like what are the assumptions and prejudice towards women by the society? Second we will move on to breaking the stigma by (hopefully) interviewing a sex worker (remain anonymous if they would like to) and analyse how the society is constructed and why women choose to work in sex work and what empowerment means to them. And third part would be about the future and what should be done for health and safety of the women in sex work; hearing their voice,their agency and giving them choices, and talk about the lack of laws. We would love to talk to you and hear your ideas/views, if it is all positive maybe we could interview you for our documentary . Thank you!
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