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Author Topic: TV Documentary  (Read 2097 times)


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TV Documentary
« on: 15 September 2017, 04:12:05 pm »
Hello everyone

I am writing from a leading documentary production company called Knickerbockerglory TV. We have been asked by a major British network to make a film about escorting. We pride ourselves on making sympathetic, sensitive television, and this programme will be no different. We always work 'with' people to make sure that we represent them fairly.

I am keen to talk to people who are working in the industry, who might interested in sharing some of their experiences. If needs be, identities could possibly be protected, but this programme represents an opportunity for people to promote themselves with confidence - and offers a non-judgmental platform through which to tell their story.

In addition, I'm also looking for some help in the form of off-the-record conversations, so I can ask some ignorant questions and build my understanding of the subject to ensure that the film we make it as strong and as well-informed as possible. If you could spare some time for a chat, I'd be very grateful.

You can reach me via or on 02087406300

Many thanks. I hope to hear from you.



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Re: TV Documentary
« Reply #1 on: 15 September 2017, 04:28:26 pm »
Given that I've had to move this from the Q&A section, I hope your attention to detail has improved by the time it comes to protecting the extremely vulnerable people with whom you may be dealing should this programme go ahead? You also missed this thread, which I strongly suggest you read:

I assume you'll be paying anybody who wants to get involved their usual hourly rate? If not, why on earth would we bother - apart from anything else, appearing on TV is likely to put most of the people here out of business and we'll expect to be adequately and appropriately recompensed.

To everybody else, it might be worth bearing in mind that this is the company responsible for the atrocity that was the Jodie Marsh On The Game programme from a few years ago. It's probably kicking about on Youtube somewhere, for anybody possessed of a calm disposition and with no heavy objects at hand.


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Re: TV Documentary
« Reply #2 on: 15 September 2017, 05:36:51 pm »
Hi Amy

Apologies for posting in the wrong space. I have read with interest the thread that you directed me towards, and I hear loud and clear your concerns and scepticism. You are right that television can, at times, take a one-dimensional approach to things - but it also offers the chance to go deeper, and to challenge peoples' pre-conceptions. The hurdle we face as programme-makers is that in order to tell those deeper stories, the stories that people like you rightly feel we should be telling, we need access to individuals through who we can tell them. And that - as you will understand - is often easier said than done.

What we know is that there is a big interest at a network for a programme that revolves around escorting. But I'd be open to a conversation about the shape of that programme, because without the involvement of experts who add the extra layers of insight, what you're left with is the ideas of "some media company".

And yes, you are right that Knickerbockerglory made 'Jodie Marsh on The Game'. If we got it so wrong last time, the question is 'how now do we get it right'? I can assure you that making an 'atrocity' is not something that any of us set out to do!



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Re: TV Documentary
« Reply #3 on: 15 September 2017, 07:54:51 pm »
You've had all you're going to get out of me for free, I'm afraid. My rates are on my site, and they're not open to negotiation.

If you want answers to common prostitution questions, why not start by using the Search box and reading some of the 300,000 or so posts that I and other prossies here have provided for anybody who wants an insight to browse through in their own time and without bothering anybody. I don't give a toss about people's 'preconceptions' anyway - why should I be interested in the views of total strangers about me, my job or anything else? They can, and will, think whatever they like just as I can.

You could also read this thread, if only for a fairly comprehensive lesson in how not to do it ;D


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Re: TV Documentary
« Reply #4 on: 25 October 2017, 11:16:30 am »
An update for you, girls.

I received a phone call on my AW contact number from this company yesterday.

They are going through Adultwork and contacting all British service providers with a face picture showing.

I politely declined as my mug all over national television would destroy my home and career and I tactfully explained this.  Now if they paid me 500k, I would reconsider.

The researcher was very young and she just didn't grasp the concept of being outed.

The number is a London number : 020809048**


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Re: TV Documentary
« Reply #5 on: 25 October 2017, 11:21:52 am »
An update for you, girls.

I received a phone call on my AW contact number from this company yesterday.

They are going through Adultwork and contacting all British service providers with a face picture showing.

I politely declined as my mug all over national television would destroy my home and career and I tactfully explained this.  Now if they paid me 500k, I would reconsider.

The researcher was very young and she just didn't grasp the concept of being outed.

The number is a London number : 020809048**

They've got some time on their hands then, obviously. By all means stick the rest of the number up - it's not a warning, after all.

Fortunately my phone blocks landlines, so they'll just have to miss out on the pleasure of me 'politely declining' :D.


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Re: TV Documentary
« Reply #6 on: 25 October 2017, 11:32:19 am »
Mine only blocks withheld numbers and I was sat at home twiddling my thumbs and since I live in the back of beyond I was curious. That'll teach me.  ;D

It's 020 8090 4854.