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Author Topic: Trish Godman at it again  (Read 6921 times)


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Trish Godman at it again
« on: 04 December 2010, 01:31:34 pm »
« Last Edit: 13 May 2015, 04:40:53 pm by LouLou37 »
"Good things come to those who hustle" Anais Nin


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Re: Trish Godman at it again
« Reply #1 on: 08 December 2010, 04:05:05 pm »
Thanks for posting that Lou, it's crucial that everyone who can writes in.

"That woman" is retiring in May 2011 and I for one will not be shedding any tears. 


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Re: Trish Godman at it again
« Reply #2 on: 08 December 2010, 07:32:30 pm »
Thanks for posting that Lou, it's crucial that everyone who can writes in.

"That woman" is retiring in May 2011 and I for one will not be shedding any tears. 

Indeed. I wonder if she'll be hanging on to this;D

Any ladies in Scotland who want to object but are not sure who their MSP is can find them and their contact details here - please pass the details on to as many other workers as you know.

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Re: Trish Godman at it again
« Reply #3 on: 14 December 2010, 06:19:17 pm »
« Last Edit: 29 August 2024, 05:44:23 pm by scottishmilf »
Sometimes you just want to be able to speak to someone who gets it. I'm available for in-person sessions in Edinburgh or online


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Re: Trish Godman at it again
« Reply #4 on: 14 December 2010, 09:57:08 pm »
One of us should type up a template of what a letter to these people should say. We add what we think that is apprioate. Like they should arrest real rapists and murderers and not bother aboshling the oldest profession. Seriously, men go to escorts and prostitues for various reasons. Yeah, it's dangerous but what job isn't? You could crash your car if you are a taxi driver. You could have a gun pointed to your head working in a Post Office. Sometimes you aren't safe in your own home!

That woman needs a few confronting words from me to back off in a line of work she knows nothing about.


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Re: Trish Godman at it again
« Reply #5 on: 21 January 2011, 04:39:04 pm »

There is a very good sample letter here:

MSP list:

The consultation ends Feb 18th.  I recommend contacting your local MSP and letting him/her know your opinion.  It will help if you state prostitution will be still around if made illegal but driven underground and made more dangerous for the prostitutes and clients.

I recommend suggesting any Scottish escorts you know to do the same.

?I am writing with great concern in regard to Trish Godman MSP, Labour for her proposal of a bill for the Criminalisation of the Purchase and Sale of Sex (Scotland) .
Her main aim is to outlaw the act of purchasing sex, with the focus being on the male client and his role in purchasing sex. She wishes to place the male as a criminal when seeking to buy sex. She feels that society is complacent and indifferent to the purchase of sex. She wishes to challenge this complacency within society. Trisha Godman wants to also criminalise the selling of sex. This means that all sex workers will be committing a crime when working, that they will be carrying out an illegal act when having sex.
There is a massive gender war at present among certain feminist groups that are seeking the criminalisation of men purchasing sex and such legislation as is being proposed is part of a this wider anti male legislation that is occurring at present.
In regard to this gender imbalance that is occurring how do you, as an MSP within Scotland feel about the rights of the individual, the rights of a man not to be discriminated by government legislation? Have you thought about the violation of human rights in this matter of the man that is being targeted?
What of the sex worker, male or female? At present sex work is not illegal, and many sex workers do so as a legitimate business, and are registered as self employed. Many sex workers make a pro choice to do this profession. There is this constant stigma pushed forward by the media, extreme feminist groups, and targeted anti-male campaigners that sex work is something which is vile, nasty, associated with drugs or violence. It is not for the majority of sex workers. If sex work occurs due to the need to supply a drug habit, then the issue is that of drugs and not of the sex worker. If violence occurs, then it is an act of violence from a violent individual, and not a consequence of sex work. Sex work does not equal drugs or violence. So why continue to act as if it is so?
Trish Godman would like to see this bill go forward possibly as a reflection of the Swedish model for the criminalisation of sex, however, there is a documented evidence of negative effects experienced since the Swedish law was passed. As can be read in a report by Kulick (2005: 209-210):
?In reality, however, the law has had entirely predictable and deeply negative consequences for street prostitutes, who by all accounts do not number more than 650 to 1,000 in the entire country. These consequences include increased police harassment; reduced power to choose between clients, since they have become scarcer (hence prostitutes tend to find themselves with precisely the violent and unstable clients they would have avoided before);?
I can go on, and I have multiple research papers and articles, and contacts with many organisations that will defend what I have pointed out so briefly.
It is important that the SNP do not back this bill and can I remind you of a statement that I briefly saw on your website in regard to donors
SNP statement ?The SNP are proud to be different from the other political parties. We have built a broad base of individual donors who care about Scotland to ensure that we answer to no one but the people.?
So if SNP is as proud, and is as different as I have always been led to believe then I do hope that you will do thorough research into this area and realise that Trish Godman mainly has an anti-male agenda and a dislike of the sex industry of which she clearly has no real idea of what occurs or simply wishes to ignore the facts that she is told.
So do listen to the people, and answer to the people of Scotland on this matter. Do not allow this Bill to go through. If it does go through it will only reflect that Scotland is anti-male and frightened of the pro sex choice workers.?


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Re: Trish Godman at it again
« Reply #6 on: 03 February 2011, 11:53:00 am »
Good morning all,

This is my first posting, so be gentle with me.

I am now your resident poster on Scot-PEP's behalf. We are currently finalising our response to Ms. Godman's consultation, and will be posting it on here shortly. We will do that, not to tell anyone what to do..... that is not our style.... but to keep you advised on what we are doing.

On a general note, we are always looking for volunteers from all aspects of the industry, to get involved in matters affecting the industry. So, please feel free to get in touch....


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Re: Trish Godman at it again
« Reply #7 on: 05 February 2011, 04:49:50 am »
This is probably stating the obvious, but I just thought I should point out that parts of the sample letter above would only be appropriate when writing to an SNP member - 82 out of the 129 members are from other parties.  It's also worth pointing out that due to proportional representation there are two categories of MSPs, constituency and regional list, so writing only to "your MSP" would leave out the 56 regional list members.


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Re: Trish Godman at it again
« Reply #8 on: 07 February 2011, 12:03:51 pm »
Good morning all.

I am not sure if you know, but the deadline for responses to Ms. Godman's consultation exercise is 18th February, as week on Friday.

I have reproduced below Scot-PEP's draft response. Whilst it is not our place to tell you what to write in your own response, we thought it would be useful to let you know our own thinking. If you would like to discuss it in more detail, please feel free to contact me/us.

Trish Godman MSP
Scottish Parliament
EH99 1SP

Dear Ms Godman,
We are writing in regard to your consultation document ?Criminalisation of the Purchase and Sale of Sex (Scotland) Bill?.
We have read the document with interest and would like to respond to the specific questions that you have raised.
We would like to state that at this point that we are an organisation and we wish that the contents of this letter is fully made public and is included in any summary or statistical analysis.

1.   We do not favour the criminalisation of either party to an activity that is private and consensual.
2.   We think it simplistic to assume a direct correlation between punishment and the extent of purchase and sale.
3.   In a recession, with the pressures on public spending, we do not believe that the public would think it a priority or, indeed, appropriate.
4.   We find this difficult to answer, as the range of advertisement is so wide. However, I do not believe it to be a priority as some advertising companies already operates censorship.
5.   We would refer you to 3. Above.
6.   See 4 above.
7.   We believe that this would lead to a substantial loss to the local economy, a reduction in tax revenue and an increase in such costs as re-training.
8.   Yes.

We look forward to the analysis of your consultation process and would like to be informed when it is concluded,


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Re: Trish Godman at it again
« Reply #9 on: 18 March 2011, 04:18:26 pm »
This just in from the Journal of the Law Society of Scotland.

It looks as if:-
1. It will not be implemented unless both WGs and punters are criminalised.
2. The Committee thought it was totally impractical anyway.

"Purchase and sale of sex;

Trish Godman MSP has been holding a public consultation on her proposed Criminalisation of the Purchase and Sale of Sex ( Scotland ) Bill. This looks to criminalise the purchasers of sex and related selling activities and seeks views on a number of areas including penalties and whether to criminalise the purchaser only or the purchaser and seller. The Criminal Law Committee is submitting a response. It notes the intention of the Bill to reduce demand for the purchase of sex in Scotland, and to strengthen existing legislation in order to make Scotland an unattractive market for prostituting and related trafficking.

On the main question, the commmittee feels on balance, that if the bill were to be passed, both seller and purchaser should be criminalised, as this would be consistent with the gender balance in previous legislation and also would allow intervention and support with regard to those involved in prostitution.

The committee welcomes any objective which reduces the risk of harm to women involved in prostitution, but has concerns with regard to the practical effects of this proposal."