Good morning all.
I am not sure if you know, but the deadline for responses to Ms. Godman's consultation exercise is 18th February, as week on Friday.
I have reproduced below Scot-PEP's draft response. Whilst it is not our place to tell you what to write in your own response, we thought it would be useful to let you know our own thinking. If you would like to discuss it in more detail, please feel free to contact me/us.
Trish Godman MSP
Scottish Parliament
EH99 1SP
Dear Ms Godman,
We are writing in regard to your consultation document ?Criminalisation of the Purchase and Sale of Sex (Scotland) Bill?.
We have read the document with interest and would like to respond to the specific questions that you have raised.
We would like to state that at this point that we are an organisation and we wish that the contents of this letter is fully made public and is included in any summary or statistical analysis.
1. We do not favour the criminalisation of either party to an activity that is private and consensual.
2. We think it simplistic to assume a direct correlation between punishment and the extent of purchase and sale.
3. In a recession, with the pressures on public spending, we do not believe that the public would think it a priority or, indeed, appropriate.
4. We find this difficult to answer, as the range of advertisement is so wide. However, I do not believe it to be a priority as some advertising companies already operates censorship.
5. We would refer you to 3. Above.
6. See 4 above.
7. We believe that this would lead to a substantial loss to the local economy, a reduction in tax revenue and an increase in such costs as re-training.
8. Yes.
We look forward to the analysis of your consultation process and would like to be informed when it is concluded,