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Author Topic: Documentary Project - Working escorts needed  (Read 3321 times)


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Documentary Project - Working escorts needed
« on: 22 January 2015, 06:48:58 pm »
Hi All

Escorts needed for documentary photography project - London

My name is Joe and I'm an artist studying at the University of Arts London. I'm in the early stages of embarking on a new documentary photography project where I will spend time and photograph a professional escort in day to day life as well as at work (where possible). The project is looking at the relationship between the person and their work, while taking a closer look at the actual person and their personality ... not just jumping to conclusions because of the line of work.

I am looking for Professional Escorts, Porn Stars and any other person working in the adult entertainment business (sorry if that's not the right name for this field). I'm looking for both male and female of any age and background but must be based in LONDON. I can not afford to pay for your time, but you will get copies of the work and be told of any exhibitions or publications that feature my work. Please if your interested give me a call and we'll have a chat.


Thank You

[Edited to remove all caps - there's no need to SHOUT]
« Last Edit: 22 January 2015, 06:53:45 pm by amy »


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Re: Documentary Project - Working escorts needed
« Reply #1 on: 22 January 2015, 06:58:00 pm »
Can you please provide more information about your course including some assurance that it is being properly supervised, and by whom?

At the moment all we have is a mobile number and the anonymous hotmail address you used to register here with, and neither of those give you any sort of credibility at all. A .ac email address would be a good start.


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Re: Documentary Project - Working escorts needed
« Reply #2 on: 25 January 2015, 09:14:01 pm »
Of course, id be happy to provide extra details. I study a BA (Hons) Photojournalism and Documentary Photography, my university email is Feel free to email either email address. I'm not really in a position to divulge details of who's running the course and so on without consulting them first.

Just a little bit about me, Im a working photojournalist as well as a documentary photographer. Your'll see me at events such as premieres for example. I hold a NUJ (National Union of Journalist) student press card. Note these are only issued with written permission from editors or course lecturers. Ive been exhibited in Manchester Museum and published on the front cover of manchester based newspapers. I originally come from Manchester but live and study in Central London.

I can assure you the course is run and supervised extremely well. The University of Arts London, College of Communication is an internationally renowned university. All the lecturers are extremely talented in their fields and have extensive knowledge, most still work in the field. Its an extremely difficult uni and course to get on, with students literally coming from around the world to study here. 

I hope this makes you feel a bit more assured, if theres anything else i'll be more than happy to help.

Thank You

Joe Jackson


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Re: Documentary Project - Working escorts needed
« Reply #3 on: 26 January 2015, 03:08:47 pm »
That's fine - we don't need a rundown of your university's undoubtedly glowing credentials or even yours, for that matter.

What we need is an assurance that somebody there is ultimately accountable and will be carrying the can in the event of you behaving inappropriately, misunderstanding people's instructions or boundaries, making these photographs available publicly or somewhere else not previously agreed, and so forth. You'd be surprised how many people think that it's fine to treat sex workers like circus animals, or use them to further their own aims with no thought for the potential consequences.

As for getting people to do this for free, I suspect that's a bit optimistic.


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Re: Documentary Project - Working escorts needed
« Reply #4 on: 26 January 2015, 07:59:46 pm »
Clearly from your manner your not fond of the media.

Theres not a lot I can say here that is going to earn the trust of yourself or anyone interested. It is a case of talking, meeting and starting to build a relationship. Im not going to photograph the person straight away, simply because there wouldn't be that vital trust.

id just like to make clear that although I study at the University, its not the universities work or project. Its my project as a photographer and artist. I am looking into the possibility of getting funding from the university to possibly offer money, but this is an extremely hard process. If funding is secured, again its not a university project. Its me as a photographer you need to find trust, and its most certainly not going to be found here.

I completely understand your doubts and worries about my actions concerning the images. Id like to reiterate that every little detail about the work being published will go though the participant. Its between me and the participant to go though without third party influences.

I hope I've explain myself well, I would like to thank you though. Poking holes in my approach can only be helpful, thank you.


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Re: Documentary Project - Working escorts needed
« Reply #5 on: 26 January 2015, 10:26:57 pm »
Clearly from your manner your not fond of the media.

Theres not a lot I can say here that is going to earn the trust of yourself or anyone interested. It is a case of talking, meeting and starting to build a relationship. Im not going to photograph the person straight away, simply because there wouldn't be that vital trust.

No, if we're being hired as sex workers in any capacity, it's a matter of talking, meeting, and YOU PAYING US. We are not dancing monkeys. There may be a sex worker who would love to help you out of sheer altruistic love for the arts. There may be one who thinks that this will boost her business profile. There may be one who hope that your project will forward the cause of sexworker's rights (although you have given us no real reason to believe that this is the case.) But pretty much everyone will be thinking "what's in it for me?"

We get texts and emails from deluded guys saying things like, "I'm a young hot guy with an 8" cock. Would you like to meet for free?" And all you're saying is "I'm a young hotshot film student with an 8mm camera... would you like to meet for free?"

There really isn't any difference that I can see.

I can't count the number of times I've been approached by novelists, film makers, documentarians, and photographers who think that the subject matter of prostitution is really cool and that they've got something interesting to say about it. Only a couple of them ever offered to pay me.


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Re: Documentary Project - Working escorts needed
« Reply #6 on: 26 January 2015, 11:40:33 pm »
Yeah sorry but in this industry especially, time is money.


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Re: Documentary Project - Working escorts needed
« Reply #7 on: 27 January 2015, 12:41:22 am »

We get texts and emails from deluded guys saying things like, "I'm a young hot guy with an 8" cock. Would you like to meet for free?" And all you're saying is "I'm a young hotshot film student with an 8mm camera... would you like to meet for free?"

Hahahaha :D

Joe, if you're at university I'm presuming you must have a project supervisor of some sort? Or someone who is going to be basically co-signing your work and keeping an eye on what you're up to? I know that's what it is like on my degree (maybe it's different in Psychology) but we're not allowed to go prancing off looking for participants on our own using the name of the university without permission. There must be someone (a tutor, head of department etc.) who has authority over what you're doing and has approved it - and if it involves finding models to photograph I'm sure they'd have guidelines on doing so. If you're not going to pay your models it's the least you can provide to ensure safety/assurance for anyone interested.

I only ask because, as Fabulassie says, we get offers to photograph us for free or in exchange for services all the time and they are usually guys planning to rip off vulnerable girls or get a freebie in exchange for a few crappy photos, or put them online etc.


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Re: Documentary Project - Working escorts needed
« Reply #8 on: 27 January 2015, 02:12:02 pm »
id just like to make clear that although I study at the University, its not the universities work or project. Its my project as a photographer and artist. I am looking into the possibility of getting funding from the university to possibly offer money, but this is an extremely hard process. If funding is secured, again its not a university project. Its me as a photographer you need to find trust, and its most certainly not going to be found here.

That's very clear. You're not willing to pay any participants for your own (potentially financially rewarding) project that has nothing to do with any university. You have lied twisted the truth for your own means, and you're not happy because our Admin - rightfully so - nailed you down to get all the relevant details from you.

So. You're a photographer wanting to take photos of sex workers and you don't want to pay them.

Amy - I think this belongs in "Advertising".  ::)


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Re: Documentary Project - Working escorts needed
« Reply #9 on: 27 January 2015, 02:33:54 pm »
I'm presuming you must have a project supervisor of some sort? Or someone who is going to be basically co-signing your work and keeping an eye on what you're up to? I know that's what it is like on my degree (maybe it's different in Psychology) but we're not allowed to go prancing off looking for participants on our own using the name of the university without permission. There must be someone (a tutor, head of department etc.) who has authority over what you're doing and has approved it - and if it involves finding models to photograph I'm sure they'd have guidelines on doing so. If you're not going to pay your models it's the least you can provide to ensure safety/assurance for anyone interested.

To be fair Alice, this has already been covered - I asked in my first post on the thread and the OP has answered, the answer being (in a nutshell) that this project is nothing to do with the university but he thought bringing the place up would impress the simple prossie folk and thus make him look more credible. Bless.

That's very clear. You're not willing to pay any participants for your own (potentially financially rewarding) project that has nothing to do with any university. You have lied twisted the truth for your own means, and you're not happy because our Admin - rightfully so - nailed you down to get all the relevant details from you.

So. You're a photographer wanting to take photos of sex workers and you don't want to pay them.

Amy - I think this belongs in "Advertising".  ::)

No, this belongs here in Media Requests along with the rest of the optimists (my all time favourite being that one where they wanted to film us all having sex with punters and then talk to our families about it for a TV programme and were amazed when people thought it wasn't the Best Idea Ever :D).

The advertising section is for people who have something to offer us, and that certainly doesn't apply here.


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Re: Documentary Project - Working escorts needed
« Reply #10 on: 19 April 2015, 10:43:01 am »

I can't count the number of times I've been approached by novelists, film makers, documentarians, and photographers who think that the subject matter of prostitution is really cool and that they've got something interesting to say about it. Only a couple of them ever offered to pay me.

I think OP has run a mile!  ;D