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Author Topic: The bill making buying sex illegal.  (Read 3904 times)


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The bill making buying sex illegal.
« on: 25 November 2014, 02:22:31 pm »
It looks like this stupid bill is going through in Ireland. I read one escort got upset over it but thinking about it always have a back up plan in everything. It wouldn't be surprising many from the north and south of Ireland flocked the rest of the UK. Here is nice to live but if it effected very bad would rather come back home with benefits. Also my concern would be how much touring business would be affected what with the paranoid clients here. That will make them worse once passed. It will make it go underground but relocating seems to be the answer here to operating as normal.


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Re: The bill making buying sex illegal.
« Reply #1 on: 02 December 2014, 11:15:55 pm »

Here is some reading material about the up and coming law in northern Ireland

[Link edited to make non-clickable]
« Last Edit: 02 December 2014, 11:18:26 pm by amy »


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Re: The bill making buying sex illegal.
« Reply #2 on: 08 February 2015, 07:10:01 am »
i read yesterday that Scotland are also following ireland so it won't be long before England and Wales also.. probably sounds like a daft question but
what will this mean for us working girls ? surely men will still buy sex? anyone have any information.


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Re: The bill making buying sex illegal.
« Reply #3 on: 08 February 2015, 03:12:52 pm »
I doubt they will pass the bill in the UK (for the time being anyway) they tried to last year but it didn't get passed. I thought it was the same in Scotland? As far as I knew the only place the Swedish model was coming in was in Ireland?

Basically it'll make it harder to do safety checks as clients won't want to give any real details (name, landline number etc) because they risk getting arrested. I heard that for outdoor sex workers it's meant that some clients try and hide their faces under a hood or mask and it makes their negotiations rushed as clients don't want to hang around for too long. Making it harder to do safety checks makes it much easier for nasty clients to target sex workers for robberies etc. I can imagine that no clients would want to risk walking into a brothel in case it's a police sting so it means sex workers are forced to work alone.

In Sweden there's been an increase in violence towards sex workers as well as more stigma - there was a case a few months ago where a pub/club refused to let in two women because they were 'dressed like hookers'. Sexual health clinics refuse to give condoms to men who see sex workers, the police actively attempt to track down sex workers and evict them from their homes without giving them back their deposit. It's a mess basically and it doesn't work.


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Re: The bill making buying sex illegal.
« Reply #4 on: 08 February 2015, 11:14:05 pm »
I sometimes do some research and ask clients if they
think paying for sex or massage in UK is legal or illegal...

100% believe it's illegal anyway.
So for them no change.

Practically...I  doubt it is policeable.
Nor do I think UK police are that motivated to bother.


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Re: The bill making buying sex illegal.
« Reply #5 on: 13 February 2015, 12:10:04 am »
Yeah like blue bottle said most clients seem to think it's illegal anyway, I don't think it would stop work for us.


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Re: The bill making buying sex illegal.
« Reply #6 on: 22 February 2015, 02:14:14 pm »
I sometimes do some research and ask clients if they
think paying for sex or massage in UK is legal or illegal...

Most of my clients know it's perfectly legal. They are more afraid of being outed than anything else.

Practically...I  doubt it is policeable.
Nor do I think UK police are that motivated to bother.

In some areas they are. Depends on the hierarchy. You only need a moralistic Chief Constable for things to change.

In Sweden they carry out stings (as they do in America) and the net result is that the men become even more paranoid. Same thing would happen here, but it won't stop the trade. Just make it more difficult. Being forced to work alone is the biggest bugbear for me, and we've got that already.


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Re: The bill making buying sex illegal.
« Reply #7 on: 22 February 2015, 06:53:26 pm »
I sometimes do some research and ask clients if they
think paying for sex or massage in UK is legal or illegal...

Most of my clients know it's perfectly legal. They are more afraid of being outed than anything else.

Practically...I  doubt it is policeable.
Nor do I think UK police are that motivated to bother.

In some areas they are. Depends on the hierarchy. You only need a moralistic Chief Constable for things to change.

In Sweden they carry out stings (as they do in America) and the net result is that the men become even more paranoid. Same thing would happen here, but it won't stop the trade. Just make it more difficult. Being forced to work alone is the biggest bugbear for me, and we've got that already.

I don't think police can carry out these stings as we have entrapment laws.


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Re: The bill making buying sex illegal.
« Reply #8 on: 27 February 2015, 08:44:02 pm »
if buying sex was made illegal,  could not sex workers  etc  just advertise their service as a masseur or therapist or relationship consultant,  clients would be able to tell from prices and certain terms who were sex workers, so long as no implicit mention of sexual services were mentioned.

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Re: The bill making buying sex illegal.
« Reply #9 on: 28 February 2015, 03:38:41 am »
It wouldn't be that hard. Charge for time, talk to punters in code. If they persist on listing an act for $ they're probably the police
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Re: The bill making buying sex illegal.
« Reply #10 on: 28 February 2015, 02:17:57 pm »
It wouldn't be that hard. Charge for time, talk to punters in code. If they persist on listing an act for $ they're probably the police

Yeh, I'm sure people do find a way to work anyway but that's not really the issue. The problem with prostitution being illegal is that if something bad happens, sex workers can't report it to the police (or they can but they'd get into trouble as well). This post recently is from someone who works in North America and unfortunately it seems like there's not much they can do