Okay so the first reading has passed, which is apparently not unusual before MP's have had a chance to look at the bill.
The turnout for the debates can be fairly low, depending on where they are in the day. When the details are on parliament.uk (and I can't spot them there yet) it's worth seeing what your MP did: vote for, vote against, or not vote and target your response appropriately.
But it's pretty vital that we get MP's to understand and oppose it now before the second reading.
There isn't going to be one. If it has passed - and it's not showing as having done so - it will join a queue, and as well as being behind previous ten minute bills, it's behind every single 'private members bill'. There's a ballot for twenty of those at the start of every Parliamentary session to be in
that bit of the queue, and only those ones ahead of something one of the bigots doesn't like has any chance of getting through to a vote on its second reading.
So ten minute rule bills have almost zero chance. This one will be (counts) 50th in that second queue, or 70th overall.