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Author Topic: Students and the adult industry - for BBC Radio 5live  (Read 4521 times)


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Students and the adult industry - for BBC Radio 5live
« on: 10 October 2011, 06:06:07 pm »
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« Last Edit: 13 December 2011, 05:45:03 pm by krt28 »


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Re: Students and the adult industry - for BBC Radio 5live
« Reply #1 on: 10 October 2011, 06:38:14 pm »
With no facts or figures to back up this claim and the fact we're in a recession isn't this pretty pointless point?

Do people really care?? As long as it's not their daughters of course!  :


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Re: Students and the adult industry - for BBC Radio 5live
« Reply #2 on: 11 October 2011, 02:12:28 pm »
i think alot of people would be interested to know this, but likely most already know. And also it might spark idea's in the students or young ppl who havnt thought of the sex worker route.. which means by proxy of your interview making more sex workers..

there are so many factors in this. mibby you should research a little more and come back.. think of the questions you intend to ask and run them by us..
*Well they're aint no rest for the Wicked and money dont grow on tree's, I bills to pay, i've got mouths to feed aint nothing in this world for free! I cant slow down, i cant hold back.. now you know i wish i could.. well they're aint no rest for the Wicked untill we Close our Eyes for good*


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Re: Students and the adult industry - for BBC Radio 5live
« Reply #3 on: 11 October 2011, 03:39:52 pm »
We've been here before more times than I care to remember and as the OP (who I vaguely remember speaking to myself a while back I think, obviously nothing to do with this) has pointed out himself.

As far as I can see, and with nine years of industry experience behind me, there are more PEOPLE entering the sex instry all round, so yes there will be more students but also more housewives, nurses, investment bankers, barmaids and everything else inbetween. Yet all we ever get asked about, over and over again, is students, which is why the members here are often cynical about these requests - students are generally young (I doubt the programme would be that interested in students of 30+) and I can only assume that the people behind these programmes either assume that those of us of all ages who have never studied are too thick to have any other options, and therefore it is less of a surprise we choose to whore, or that it is more interesting for students to be working because they have passed some exams and thus surely ought to be 'above' this sort of thing?

Technology has made it so much easier and cheaper to advertise (even a crap mobile phone can take a handful of pictures to bung online for free) that anybody who wants a crack at it can have one, and thanks to (partly) the recesssion as well as the general blurring of boundaries between prostitution, webcamming, porn and phone sex lines it is far less hidden and more everyday than it ever has been before, even if it is still stigmatised to a large degree. I'll be the first to admit I'm as bored of this type of lazy, predictable journalism as everybody else here, but I do think an up to date, relevant and positive piece regarding the expansion of the industry and discussing the myriad of ways we can now work safely and responsibly (compared even to when I started) would be very welcome indeed.

But of course, they're only interested in the students  ::).


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Re: Students and the adult industry - for BBC Radio 5live
« Reply #4 on: 11 October 2011, 03:49:03 pm »
We've been here before more times than I care to remember and as the OP (who I vaguely remember speaking to myself a while back I think, obviously nothing to do with this) has pointed out himself.

As far as I can see, and with nine years of industry experience behind me, there are more PEOPLE entering the sex instry all round, so yes there will be more students but also more housewives, nurses, investment bankers, barmaids and everything else inbetween. Yet all we ever get asked about, over and over again, is students, which is why the members here are often cynical about these requests - students are generally young (I doubt the programme would be that interested in students of 30+) and I can only assume that the people behind these programmes either assume that those of us of all ages who have never studied are too thick to have any other options, and therefore it is less of a surprise we choose to whore, or that it is more interesting for students to be working because they have passed some exams and thus surely ought to be 'above' this sort of thing?

Technology has made it so much easier and cheaper to advertise (even a crap mobile phone can take a handful of pictures to bung online for free) that anybody who wants a crack at it can have one, and thanks to (partly) the recesssion as well as the general blurring of boundaries between prostitution, webcamming, porn and phone sex lines it is far less hidden and more everyday than it ever has been before, even if it is still stigmatised to a large degree. I'll be the first to admit I'm as bored of this type of lazy, predictable journalism as everybody else here, but I do think an up to date, relevant and positive piece regarding the expansion of the industry and discussing the myriad of ways we can now work safely and responsibly (compared even to when I started) would be very welcome indeed.

But of course, they're only interested in the students  ::).

Amen SISTER!! praise jebus! .. 

\\MM// rock on! :D
*Well they're aint no rest for the Wicked and money dont grow on tree's, I bills to pay, i've got mouths to feed aint nothing in this world for free! I cant slow down, i cant hold back.. now you know i wish i could.. well they're aint no rest for the Wicked untill we Close our Eyes for good*


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Re: Students and the adult industry - for BBC Radio 5live
« Reply #5 on: 11 October 2011, 04:14:30 pm »
Dear OP: Please, for the love of God, read Amy's post (twice if necessary) and let the inspiration to do something new, original and far, far better than the same tired old thing fill you to the brim! ;D

(The nation's obsession with pretty blonde students-AKA-teenagers-of-legal-age is vast; have you guys seen or heard about the Sexy A-Levels [exams, ahem!] Results satire blogs, like this one? Hilarious! But also slightly tedious.)
Disclosure: The other person behind


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Re: Students and the adult industry - for BBC Radio 5live
« Reply #6 on: 11 October 2011, 06:32:57 pm »
Wow! I remember leaping six feet in the air the first time I attempted my 'A' levels!
(but not with exuberance)  :-X
Let go of my ears! I know what I'm doing!


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Re: Students and the adult industry - for BBC Radio 5live
« Reply #7 on: 12 October 2011, 01:40:57 am »
Get the violins out

When I was a student..shock horror yes I'm a whore after college life.. :o

I worked Saturdays and Sundays every weekend and I got paid a whopping ?54 a week. My rent was ?72 a week and my course had alot of costs... I wish I was escorting then!!!

Of course the reality is the 19 year old me would have been a terrible clueless escort than the now older life experienced me.  :-*

I don't get the fascination with students though? Surely people would be more understanding of students doing it so it's not really news worthy??


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Re: Students and the adult industry - for BBC Radio 5live
« Reply #8 on: 12 October 2011, 01:44:47 am »
Can we (like Friday) try to stay on topic, please?

The ladies who have nothing to say to the OP and no contribution to make to his thread (which deserves equal consideration to that of any other poster, whether we approve or not), please confine the irrelevant comments and links to Blather and Babble where they belong.

We have one completely ridiculous thread running in this section already. No more hijacking.


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Re: Students and the adult industry - for BBC Radio 5live
« Reply #9 on: 12 October 2011, 08:55:46 am »
The following is a parody of existing media accounts on the correlation between rising tuition fees (in the US) and increases in college students entering sex work.

We know what it is, because you've posted it once already. As I have requested, please do not post it again - if the OP wants research tips, I daresay he'll ask.

Your other thread is in Off Topic - once again, if there is a subject you particularly want to discuss please post there rather than just steering other people's threads around to suit you.


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Re: Students and the adult industry - for BBC Radio 5live
« Reply #10 on: 12 October 2011, 12:17:13 pm »
Something else worth thinking of are the amouont of women who work in this industry who use it to fund furhter education in order to further or change their 'other careers'. 
