We've been here before more times than I care to remember and as the OP (who I vaguely remember speaking to myself a while back I think, obviously nothing to do with this) has pointed out himself.
As far as I can see, and with nine years of industry experience behind me, there are more PEOPLE entering the sex instry all round, so yes there will be more students but also more housewives, nurses, investment bankers, barmaids and everything else inbetween. Yet all we ever get asked about, over and over again, is students, which is why the members here are often cynical about these requests - students are generally young (I doubt the programme would be that interested in students of 30+) and I can only assume that the people behind these programmes either assume that those of us of all ages who have never studied are too thick to have any other options, and therefore it is less of a surprise we choose to whore, or that it is more interesting for students to be working because they have passed some exams and thus surely ought to be 'above' this sort of thing?
Technology has made it so much easier and cheaper to advertise (even a crap mobile phone can take a handful of pictures to bung online for free) that anybody who wants a crack at it can have one, and thanks to (partly) the recesssion as well as the general blurring of boundaries between prostitution, webcamming, porn and phone sex lines it is far less hidden and more everyday than it ever has been before, even if it is still stigmatised to a large degree. I'll be the first to admit I'm as bored of this type of lazy, predictable journalism as everybody else here, but I do think an up to date, relevant and positive piece regarding the expansion of the industry and discussing the myriad of ways we can now work safely and responsibly (compared even to when I started) would be very welcome indeed.
But of course, they're only interested in the students
