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Author Topic: Women in Glasgow!  (Read 1667 times)


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Women in Glasgow!
« on: 08 February 2013, 03:13:34 pm »
Hi there, I am currently doing some research for the Sandyford Initiative in Glasgow on the needs of women escorting and in indoor prostitution. I am hoping to identify some gaps in the services currently available and help develop a new service plan specifically tailored for this demographic. I have created a survey to help me establish what these needs might be. I have attached the survey, so I would appreciate it if anyone living or working in Glasgow could take the time to have a look. Of course the survey is confidential and answers will only be used for the purpose of this research, however if you wish to access the report once finished there is an option for you to provide your email address and I will send it to you. You do not have to answer any question that you feel uncomfortable with or that you would rather not answer. Thanks for your time! Hannah.
Here's the link:


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    • Sex Worker Open University
Re: Women in Glasgow!
« Reply #1 on: 12 February 2013, 10:41:48 pm »
Hello Hannah,

SWOU would be interested to know what is the aim of this survey.
Is there any rethinking at NHS Glasgow/ Sandyford Initiative that not all "prostitution is violence against women" ?

With a couple of clicks we found this document

Not only this submission from NHS Glasgow and Clyde (under which Sandyford operates) clearly define sex work as a form "gender based violence" but it also supports the criminalisation of our clients.

Could you please take SWOU off the list of service providers? We are a collective of sex workers and allies and we do not offer services. Also, we have almost no funding, and do not want to be compared to the million pounds projects and services who are actively trying to criminalise us.

We believe it would have been much more honest from your part to state clearly what are the current views of NHS Glasgow and Clyde/ Sandyford Initiative.

Luca for SWOU
SWOU - Branches in London & Glasgow!



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Re: Women in Glasgow!
« Reply #2 on: 13 February 2013, 07:47:42 am »
Hello Hannah,

SWOU would be interested to know what is the aim of this survey.
Is there any rethinking at NHS Glasgow/ Sandyford Initiative that not all "prostitution is violence against women" ?

With a couple of clicks we found this document

Why am I surprised by this?  Projects get funding that is often politically motivated - for example it became clear over a period of months that one project I was involved with there was almost exclusively geared towards helping women to 'exit' from prostitution. 

I for one would not want to take part in a survey that is so potentially biased towards one viewpoint before you even set pen to paper.


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Re: Women in Glasgow!
« Reply #3 on: 13 February 2013, 10:04:48 am »
Hi there, I am currently doing some research for the Sandyford Initiative in Glasgow on the needs of women escorting and in indoor prostitution. I am hoping to identify some gaps in the services currently available and help develop a new service plan specifically tailored for this demographic. I have created a survey to help me establish what these needs might be. I have attached the survey, so I would appreciate it if anyone living or working in Glasgow could take the time to have a look. Of course the survey is confidential and answers will only be used for the purpose of this research, however if you wish to access the report once finished there is an option for you to provide your email address and I will send it to you. You do not have to answer any question that you feel uncomfortable with or that you would rather not answer. Thanks for your time! Hannah.
Here's the link:

Dear Hannah,

You show yourself to be yet another of the steady flow of individuals having concluded that, like a pack of stray dogs or something!, 'us' hookers, what with being such a helpless, victimized, vacuous, desperate, needy lot, are a bunch likely be flattered, fucking grateful even, any time 'someone', just 'anyone', shows any vague interest in us and our private business.  Since us prostitutes obviously would never be capable of representing ourselves and of course, do not already do so, we are of course always so fucking thrilled when yet another interfering, busy body, do-gooder pops up with the over inflated ego required to self appoint as some 'voice of the people', particularly enamoured with the common theme of scribing a thought fart into a post, apparently unconcerned as to a complete lack of logical syntax, any shred of actual factual content and EVIDENE BASED SUPPORT and a superior attitude that you have no obligation to prove or justify yourself or your 'cause' to the likes of us'.  How dare you and you ilk, be so fucking well cheeky? 

Time and time and time again, members of this, and similar forum communities are bombarded with; abuse, objectification, stereotyping, labelling, insultingly patronising attempts from endless array of individuals, groups, government bodies, charities et all to 'speak for us', misrepresentation, unrepresentation, being used for the cheap thrills and unimaginative titillation of the chattering classes, employed as weapons against our own chosen life paths/livelyhoods, I could go on.  The small inconvenient issue here, Hannah, is that the aforementioned list of tools, employed to harass myself and my colleagues (intentionally and inadvertently), are statistically very rarely suffered at the hands of our clients or day to day prostitution rated affairs, rather are endured as a result of mindless sheep such as yourself.  This fucking fantasy you, and the wave of self serving, self righteous, naval gazing, moral Nazis must now be resisted, and resisted it will be.  Enough is enough.  I, personally, can not tolerate one more ignorant, short sighted, closed minded fool, appointing themselves to the position of 'my prostitute voice'  and the voice of all who've chose this line of work.  I can't and do not speak for anyone else, of course, only myself, but I'm quite confident as to the level of support this around this feeling, generally.  Why don't you go and create a biased, unbalanced, leading, predetermined, loaded, covert, survey about the level of services provided to post men?   

What is clear is that the reality is far too mundane.  For the vast majority the 'real story' is that; we get up and get on with our work on a day to day basis just like everyone else.  We are of the consensual opinion that there is no fucking 'story' to be told about 'us' any more so than there is to be told about say, travel agents.
  That most of us would rush to open our hearts to a complete stranger when in fact many of us rarely share such detailed things with those people closest to us, within the confines of our own personal lives, is both degrading and intrusive.  The real story is that most of our lives would be a lot easier if those with either self serving motivations or misplaced moral reasons refrained from the self indulgent practice of making what we do for a living a sociological study and left it alone for to be what it is, merely one within a million choices in one of many millions of peoples lives done for one of millions of varieties of reasons.  No more sensational, no less so, than millions of other things done by millions of other people, millions of other times.  What a joke. 
"If you seek to know the truth, cease to cherish opinions"