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Author Topic: Strike4decrim meeting-London May 23rd  (Read 1605 times)


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Strike4decrim meeting-London May 23rd
« on: 17 May 2018, 04:10:25 pm »
After a successful march and rally on International Women's Day. the Sex Workers' Strike have organised a meeting about how to take this forward.

The strike4decrim campaign and union organising is starting to take shape.

Phase one:
1. unionisation of strip clubs and SEV
2. Developing a three year political campaign for decrim - design and development for three months.

The possibilities for this are pretty damn exciting (and challenging) but they will only work if we bring together all the sex worker groups and also push out and involve 100s of workers across the industry.

Please get involved and help spread the word
Unionisation + decrim planning meeting 23rd May 3pm - 5.30pm

DM me for address. (want to protect us from unwanted visitors) xx


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Re: Strike4decrim meeting-London May 23rd
« Reply #1 on: 17 May 2018, 09:29:34 pm »
Thank you for posting this info!

I can't attend next week but I'm definitely interested in getting involved in campaigning for decriminalisation.
I'll PM you to stay in the loop in the future.


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Re: Strike4decrim meeting-London May 23rd
« Reply #2 on: 01 June 2018, 05:21:13 pm »
Next meeting is June 13th. PM me for info and FB group info



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Re: Strike4decrim meeting-London May 23rd
« Reply #3 on: 01 July 2018, 07:17:43 pm »
Paid organising work opportunities

London paid work available
Training and recruitment of part-time organisers for the strippers and dancers union campaign

£350 per month / average around 15-20 hours a month, flexible hours etc. First round of organising is 3months. training on July 11th 6pm - 9pm
please email: if you are interested (tell us your name, contact details and where you have or currently work) and please circulate this information to other kick ass strippers that you think would be great. expression of interest due by 3rd July - also feel free to email with any questions.
please have a think if you would like to be trained (one evening of training) to take on some paid organising work with the unionisation campaign.
what you would be doing
talking to other workers, leafleting / social media promotion, signing people up to the union, helping to call meetings in workplace (not necessarily your own)


 july 4th (pm for venue details!) 3pm - 5pm
union meeting for strippers, dancers and sex workers

draft agenda
nb: everyone who expresses an interest in paid organising work should attend this meeting
- distribution of leaflets for workplace organising
- selecting workplace to start organising
- discussion and agreement about the democratic structures of our union campaign
- the dreaded but much needed role play exercises: talking about issues, talking to other workers

july 11th - organiser training for strippers and dancers
6.30pm - 9pm
venue: to be confirmed - central london

july 25th - TWO MEETINGS
july 25th 3pm - 5pm PM for venue details

union meeting for strippers, dancers and sex workers
nb: everyone who expresses an interest in paid organising work should attend this meeting
draft agenda to be circulated closer to the mtg

july 25th 7pm - 9.30pm
National Decriminalisation Campaign Meeting
venue to be confirm - central london

open to all workers, allies and supporters


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Re: Strike4decrim meeting-London May 23rd
« Reply #4 on: 03 July 2018, 10:35:56 pm »
meeting tomorrow! DM for venue details xx


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Re: Strike4decrim meeting-London May 23rd
« Reply #5 on: 05 July 2018, 06:46:32 pm »
we also have a secret fb group you can join. again DM for details x