So how's the future looking in the US with this new law when it comes to advertising sex services?Dull.
The very few escort directories left will need to hire more staff to closely scrutinize their posters, a lot of escorts won't feel comfortable sending their ID's details and personal info because it might fall in hands of the government, who knows!
(remember that raid organized by homeland security on EROS a few months ago? Homeland security took the EROS guide hard drives with them). This will mean a loss of revenue for the directories. Then once the bill is officially enforced and the directories are faced with a couple of hefty lawsuits they will go out of business because it will no longer be
a profitable business financially viable.
On top of it the new law makes the owners of websites that have ads for sex work
liable for an illegal act. It was not
illegal to advertise the illegal service before, it now is. So sex workers advertisements will get up to 10 years in prison.
All this means that US directories will gradually dissapear (IMO), problem is that prostitution will not. So the trade will go "underground", that would mean back to the streets like in the good ol days or directories shifting to the dark web. Once prostitution crosses into the dark web trafficking is
absolutely impossible to control. Perfect example of this: Escort Ireland, one of the country?s biggest sex work websites, is concealing itself through Tor, an anonymous web browser that routes traffic through encryption software so users cannot be traced. It comes after a law enacted in February that made it illegal to pay for sex in Ireland.
the big question: Is this new draconian policy going to cross the atlantic into Europe and feck us all???Oh well.... As per now the EU parliament supports internet freedom through their "EP amendment 138" law, meaning: directories are not held liable to the content posted by second individuals. However (
and this is the bad news):
we are getting out of Europe in the next couple of years. The UK won't be under EU laws any more and the tory government has made very clear that one of the things they are planning to supress is amendment 138 and get rid of "porn, smut & prostitution". Meaning: we will be in a similar situation to the US. Hooray for Brexit
(insert sarcastic tone in this space). In conclusion: future of sex services advertising is NOT looking good.
Thor will soon be your best friend.