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Author Topic: Should we adopt the Swedish model?  (Read 6291 times)


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Should we adopt the Swedish model?
« on: 10 March 2008, 10:45:42 am »
I was hoping you could help me. I work for Renegade Pictures, an award-winning TV production company specializing in high quality drama and documentary films.

We have recently been commissioned to make a frank and honest one hour documentary for Channel 4 on the subject of sex work in Britain.

We want to investigate the complex and contradictory prostitution laws in this country and are now looking for people in the sex industry who are willing to share their opinions on how the law affects them and how it could be improved, with a view to decriminalizing prostitution.

Exploring the notion of just what is ?best practise? when it comes to sex work, we want to look at the impact current legislation has on working life - in terms of safety, social acceptance and job satisfaction. How do escort workers feel about paying tax?  Has the social stigma associated with prostitution been lifted? Are sex workers respected as empowered women with rights?  We will also look at the effects that being in the black market can have. What are the dangers of sex work? What is the dark side of the sex industry?  What has happened to the girls who work on the streets?  Do Street Walking Zones guarantee the safety of the girls? Would the Swedish model be an improvement or would it make things worse if we criminalised the punters?

At this stage there is no commitment and all calls are confidential. I am sensitive to the fact that many people wish to remain anonymous but am keen to get some honest, real voices to inform our film and will do our level best to work around that. We are moving forward on the film in the next few weeks so please reply to this thread, call me or drop me a line on

Tel 020 7479 4209

many thanks!

Suzanne Hammond

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Re: Should we adopt the Swedish model?
« Reply #1 on: 21 March 2008, 03:10:23 pm »
Please, don't call it a model. It is not a model, it is a disaster. I really don't know where to start. Let's start by throwing a few links in. Like today's news from Plymouth, where a trafficking victim was rescued by a punter who certainly wouldn't have gone to the police had the MacShanes and Harmans and Coakers of this world successfully perpetrated their disaster. Here's the link for that one:

And you can read what Swedish sexworkers who have to put up with this nonsense think about it here:

And if you actually want to DO something about it, you could sign AND PUBLICISE this Downing Street petition here:

I may be able to put you in touch with the author if you're interested.



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Re: Should we adopt the Swedish model?
« Reply #2 on: 25 March 2008, 10:51:09 pm »
Hi Suzanne,

Thanks for your brilliant reply - would love to hear more about what you think. Having spoken to quite a few people in the industry we are aware of the concerns surrounding the consequences of adopting the Swedish approach and our film will be looking at this - including a growing number of people who claim that by doing so the Swedish gov. have pushed things underground and made it much more dangerous for all involved.

It would be great if you could drop me a line at

All conversations will be in confidence.

Best wishes,
