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Author Topic: Sex worker & PhD student researching effects of financial discrimination  (Read 3861 times)


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Hi! Im a fellow SW who has been in the industry for 10+ years, I am also undertaking a PhD in Law; looking at how we can be better protected from financial discrimination - it would be amazing if you would consider taking 10 mins to fill out my anonymous survey. Each survey completed counts as a donation to sex worker led organisations.  :)

If you are also willing to share this link with any fellow sex workers who may want to fill it out, that would also be amazing :) 


  • Jr. Member
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Done  :)


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Thank you for the responses so far!  :)

I wanted to add a few key points in case people wanted more information:

This is a study looking at online payment processors' discriminatory practices - specifically what effect's it have on us. In doing so, my phd will look at the themes coming through the survey responses and undertake a legal analysis focused on human rights. I hold a master's in law in International Human Rights Law - so this is where my speciality is. I hope this will result in recommendations for human rights law and how it can better protect us.

A PhD is a drop in the ocean but! it's a start, and I hope to do bigger projects on this in the future. I also intend to publish the results of this study in legal journals including the recommendation section for policy makers to see.

I have also set aside £200 for sex work-led organisations globally and will split that between the organisations for each survey response.

Additionally, being a sex worker myself in both FSSW and online, I have been a participant in many interviews and surveys and have often found frustration at not being made aware of how the research project evolves. I have heard this from other sex workers as well. So, I have included an option to leave your email address and opt-in for a copy of a report I will draft for participants with the research outcome. You can also opt to be contacted for a potential paid interview.

Again, thank you to those who have filled this in so far  :)


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I've filled this in, I found it straightforward.


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I've filled this in, I found it straightforward.

Thank you so much for filling it out  :)