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Author Topic: SEX WORKES  (Read 8394 times)


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Re: questionnaire for sex workes
« Reply #15 on: 24 April 2012, 11:00:27 pm »
Hello everyone,

  I've written previously on this forum. now I have graduated but I and my professor would like to continue our research, but we need more people willing to respond to the anonymously questionnaire  or via the link: Part 1 Part 2

 or email
Thanks to all aid

I can't access either of them ?
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« Reply #16 on: 27 June 2012, 03:05:25 pm »
I was going to answer this survey.


6. 6)   Were there any disabled relatives in your family or did you have any disabled friends or acquaintances?

Ok, fair enough, but fairly random...

7. 7)   To when do you trace back the onset of your interest to people with disabilities?

What interest? Eh? Yes, I see people with disabilities, but that's an odd question...


8. 8)    A: Does this interest make you feel uncomfortable?
B: If so, in what situations?

9. C: Have you ever had sexual intercourse with an able-bodied person?

10. D: If so, have you ever felt uncomfortable during sexual intercourse with an able-bodied person?

This is not aimed at escorts. It's aimed at people with some kind of preference (fetish?) for people with disabilities.

I'm not playing. In fact, I'm taking my bat and ball and I'm going home.


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« Reply #17 on: 22 July 2012, 09:37:57 am »

This is not aimed at escorts. It's aimed at people with some kind of preference (fetish?) for people with disabilities.

I'm not playing. In fact, I'm taking my bat and ball and I'm going home.

Lol, Takes all sorts I guess! I'm assuming this questionnaire wasn't proof-read before being published? or perhaps they should take your advice and re-aim it at the fetish scene?


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« Reply #18 on: 22 July 2012, 09:42:51 am »

This is not aimed at escorts. It's aimed at people with some kind of preference (fetish?) for people with disabilities.

I'm not playing. In fact, I'm taking my bat and ball and I'm going home.

Lol, Takes all sorts I guess! I'm assuming this questionnaire wasn't proof-read before being published? or perhaps they should take your advice and re-aim it at the fetish scene?

This question was posted by an Italian student who speaks very little English, and whilst the questionaire may be tasteless (which is why I didn't answer it either) sneering at her for making spelling/grammatical errors is not how we do things on the forum.

We have plenty of members here whose first language is not English and perfect spelling/grammar/punctuation is not a prerequisite for either working as a prostitute or posting here, which is fortunate for a fair few of our native British members too.


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« Reply #19 on: 22 July 2012, 10:03:24 am »
Sorry, didn't mean it as a spelling/english thing. It's just when asking people to take part in research, it's usually because the questions have been specifically designed for that target market. I was aware that she was a student from another country and I'm in no way saying there was a problem in how the questions were worded (I go to quite a good uni and I've seen some awful questions written by english students, so I was actually really impressed by the grammar and everything in this one).

I was merely following on from the previous post advising maybe they should aim the questions at the fetish scene, as asking escorts/masseuses or the like (unless they offer a disabled-customers-only service) may not give a wide-enough example on the psychology behind having relations with disabled people.

Sorry again, no offence was meant!


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« Reply #20 on: 29 January 2013, 10:46:25 pm »
sorry if I've read your comments just now
the questionnaire was not an insult to your work
and sorry for my english, but not perfect
was a quest to learn more about this figure, which unfortunately is not recognized in Italy.
for those who wish can send me a private email as a journalist would like to publish an article


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« Reply #21 on: 03 February 2013, 12:44:54 pm »
I filled it in :)
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