My name is Lou Sands I am currently undertaking my PhD in film practice looking into Utopia and Dystopia.
I am making documentary on sex work in conjunction with two London based sex work charities and I am funded by the Arts and Humanities Research council. I have a small budget of £500 and would like to offer £100 to any story I use within my documentary. Around 3 or 4 total. If more are used participants will be contacted and compensated from my own funds.
Whats is it about?The documentary is around dystopia and policy especially concerning women who are forced to work alone. Who are not given the same basic human rights and freedoms associated with any other job? Especially with regards to Covid-19 that have seen women on the bread line and migrant workers fighting for survival.
The film will also explore sex work as one being of the oldest occupations but still one of the most highly stigmatised industries for both worker and customer. The documentary is to raise awareness and is pro-decriminalisation of sex work and the message that women should be able to work together for a safer environment.
I am part of an ethical committee for my research, which means anything I use will be shown to participants before its release for their assessment and feedback.
Participants will remain completely anonymous. The letter submitted by participants will be read aloud by an actor or myself in the style of Chantel Akerman’s film Letters Home.
Participants will be given information regarding the screening and access to the film once it has been made. A non-disclosure agreement will be signed by myself and given to you in receipt of the letter used to provide both transparency and the comfort that you will remain anonymous. If you do wish to be credited you can be as either a participant, story consultant or in the thanks credits. If you wish to read your own letter aloud this can also be arranged and can be edited in post-production to change or distort your voice if you so wish. Please let me know via email. Here is a link to my website if you would like to find out more about me
https://www.louisesands.com/blog How do I participate?If you would like to share your experiences and write a letter
please use the letter guidance below and send to
lousandsart@gmail.com by the
Sunday the 11th of October. Please also feel free to contact me via email if you have any questions or suggestions regarding guidance or anything else. I will contact all participants who send in letters to let you know if the letters fulfil the requirements of the films message. Those letters who do meet the requirements will be contacted to discuss preferred payment methods and usage of the material once the selection has been made.
Thank you for your time
Louise Sands

Letter Guidance: The written letter should be emailed to the above address and make an attempt to answer as many of the questions as you can. Please feel free to adapt them to suit your response. Please also add anything you may think I have missed or anything you feel is significant.
How old are you?
How long have you participated in sex work?
Do you have children or family/ dependants to support?
Has poverty or having children and dependants forced you into sex work?
What are the problems you have faced with criminalisation surrounding sex work? I.e. not being listened to by law enforcement, sexual assault, putting yourself at risk working alone, immigration laws, working illegally and not being able to use law enforcement etc…
Have you tried or wanted to leave sex work behind? Has a criminal record stopped you pursuing a different career or trapped you into sex work?
What has been your worst experience of the job? i.e. Could be one particular incident or a re-occurring problem.
What would make you feel safer at work? I.e. working with others, screening your clients etc …
Has Covid-19 had an impact on your work or working conditions? And if so, have you been able to get access to help via the government, charity or otherwise?
Has the stigma/ shame of sex work effected the way you see yourself and your value? How do you think this can be overcome? i.e. education, more positive representation, decriminalisation.
Do you think decriminalisation of laws specific to sex work would help women be safer, be paid a fairer wage and give them access to benefits that they would with any other job?
What do you enjoy about your job and what kind of future do you imagine for yourself?
Any final thoughts or things that you feel might be significant in raising awareness or exposing problems for discussion?