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Author Topic: Sex Work in the UK Media Project. Looking for women to interview.  (Read 1482 times)


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I'm a Masters student in University of Sussex, studying Media Practice for Development and Social Change. Part of our assesment is to create a podcast and a short documentary in December. Me and 2 other girls decided to do on the topic of Sex Work in the UK and we want to break the stigma around it, especially towards the women in sex work. Our outline and aim is to create a short documentary of 4-6 minutes with 3 parts. The first part will be about the stigma around sex work and stereotyping women in sex work, like what are the assumptions and prejudice towards women by the society? Second we will move on to breaking the stigma by (hopefully) interviewing a sex worker (remain anonymous if they would like to) and analyse how the society is constructed and why women choose to work in sex work and what empowerment means to them. And third part would be about the future and what should be done for health and safety of the women in sex work; hearing their voice,their agency and giving them choices, and talk about the lack of laws. We would love to talk to you and hear your ideas/views, if it is all positive maybe we could interview you for our documentary . Thank you!

[removed after request to provide further information ignored]
« Last Edit: 09 November 2018, 08:08:24 pm by amy »


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Re: Sex Work in the UK Media Project. Looking for women to interview.
« Reply #1 on: 31 October 2018, 07:23:09 pm »
Much luck with your project and hope it goes well, but there have been so many documentary's, exposes, debates, books, essays on this topic, op-eds - especially on empowerment and stigma etc -   I slightly struggle to see how you can get a fresh angle.  But that's probably just my world weariness talking!


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Re: Sex Work in the UK Media Project. Looking for women to interview.
« Reply #2 on: 31 October 2018, 08:11:27 pm »
How come gmail rather than an email addy?
They tried to bury us... they didn't know we were seeds.


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Re: Sex Work in the UK Media Project. Looking for women to interview.
« Reply #3 on: 31 October 2018, 08:35:42 pm »
How come gmail rather than an email addy?

Yes, we'll be needing that please. As I've already posted once today, anybody could knock up the one you've posted in two minutes and it proves nothing about your legitimacy.

We'll also have an assurance that this research has had the necessary clearance/approval from your Ethics Committee and the name of your supervisor, or I'm removing the contact information.


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Re: Sex Work in the UK Media Project. Looking for women to interview.
« Reply #4 on: 31 October 2018, 09:53:42 pm »
Hi sorry about this! It's the email I use that is why I thought it could be okay! You can also email [removed after request to provide further information ignored]
« Last Edit: 09 November 2018, 08:08:01 pm by amy »


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Re: Sex Work in the UK Media Project. Looking for women to interview.
« Reply #5 on: 01 November 2018, 09:30:04 am »
And the rest, please?

We'll also have an assurance that this research has had the necessary clearance/approval from your Ethics Committee and the name of your supervisor, or I'm removing the contact information.


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Re: Sex Work in the UK Media Project. Looking for women to interview.
« Reply #6 on: 01 November 2018, 11:23:27 am »

In our practical workshops every week groups present their work and how much progress they have made. Our project (me and two other girls) got accepted as there are no limits in choosing what you want to do. I can post our final assessment guidelines. We had three options to choose from;
Brief 1.Home: here and there. This brief allows you to explore the effects of migration on individuals, families and cultures.The project should be aimed at international audiences. Brief 2: We should all become vegetarians/vegan: An advocacy project that promotes a vegetable-based diet for an UK audience.Brief 3 Gender:  Women’s Lives, Women’s Empowerment. This brief give you the possibility to create a multimedia project on a specific  women’s group, the social position of migrant women or any group of women in the UK or a more analytical piece on some aspects of women’s lives. So we chose to do Brief 3:Women’s Lives, Women’s Empowerment and then decided our topic. Our tutor's name is Yorgos Karagiannakis and I can also provide his email. Honestly, the reason I posted it today is I've been waiting for my registration approval and it got accepted today. As we have rough cut screening on 3rd of December we have limited time so I posted it as soon as my registration was approved and didn't really think about the email.


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Re: Sex Work in the UK Media Project. Looking for women to interview.
« Reply #7 on: 01 November 2018, 06:55:52 pm »
I'm on my phone and can barely read this because of the lack of paragraphs, but I'm still not seeing the ethical approval anywhere. You do know that any research that includes human participants is REQUIRED to follow these protocols?

If it helps, this thread is a good example of the correct way to post an academic research request.

If you thought you'd just wandered onto a casual gathering for a chat then fine, but you were wrong. We take our remit here seriously and when anonymous randoms rock up wanting access to our members and any information they may have to give for 'research' of any kind, we're going to do everything we can to protect them by checking credentials, and any other resource that supports potentially vulnerable people will and should do likewise.