We (www.uglymugs.ie) are carrying out an online survey about sex work in Ireland. We want to get as many responses as possible from escorts who are working in Ireland or who have worked in Ireland previously.
It is an anonymous survey on surveymonkey, it takes about 10 minutes to complete, and any question you do not wish to answer can be skipped. We are not publishing a link to the survey online as if we did it might be filled out by non-sex workers. But if you are an escort with experience of working in Ireland and willing to take the survey, please drop me a message and I will send you the link to the survey.
In Ireland sex workers are facing the possibility of the Swedish Model, plus laws which would make it illegal for them to rent property or use mobile phones or the Internet

We are asking the Irish Government to please consider the safety and welfare of sex workers. In this regard we are carrying out this survey to better ascertain how safe and supported sex workers feel in Ireland currently and what factors are important to keep sex workers safe and well. After some initial general questions, the survey focuses on crime against sex workers and abuse of sex workers, experience of police and support services and the ways in which sex workers stay safe.