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Author Topic: Sex industry project. Would love your input!! :)  (Read 2687 times)


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Sex industry project. Would love your input!! :)
« on: 01 November 2016, 09:09:43 pm »
Hi, I'm a University student from England and I'm currently doing a project on the Sex industry. I'm really interested in the women in the industry and if they (you) do it for the sex or money or other reasons. My aim is to get the perspective of the people involved like What do you think of the illegality of brothels? Do you think they should be legal? What do you think about feminists getting involved? Do you think charities such as the women's support charity are really needed? Are these charities actually seen as offensive? What do you think of the media coverage on the sex industry? Do people act differently with you when they know your occupation. My main question would be do you enjoy it? My list of questions goes on! Any answers would be extremely appreciated! Also no offence is intended, I have the so much respect for all the women involved. Thank you :)
« Last Edit: 01 November 2016, 09:11:21 pm by c_kenna »


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Re: Sex industry project. Would love your input!! :)
« Reply #1 on: 01 November 2016, 09:24:02 pm »
Well I'm sure somebody can help, but you'll need to provide more information about yourself and this 'project' including who you are and where/what you are studying, the purpose of this project and by whom it's being supervised? The free Hotmail address you've used to register doesn't give much away.

I'm afraid without that your post is just a list of the more annoying questions we get asked all the time (including at least one I don't answer even when I'm being paid) and we have no proof at all that an academic project even exists? I'd also be interested to know why you only want the views of female sex workers and not male and trans workers?


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Re: Sex industry project. Would love your input!! :)
« Reply #2 on: 01 November 2016, 10:12:53 pm »
Yes, research credentials please.

You'll also need to let us know how you're planning to compensate interview subjects for their time.
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Re: Sex industry project. Would love your input!! :)
« Reply #3 on: 01 November 2016, 10:13:52 pm »
Sorry for the brief information, I'm new to using forums. I wasn't sure how much to include. My name is Chloe, I'm 20 and I'm studying at the University of Lincoln (in England). I'm making a digital narrative (a webpage with text,videos and audio etc.) I've chosen to do it about the sex industry as it is something I'm interested in.
The reason I've mentioned women and not men/transgenders is because my idea sprung off of my interest in feminism, I began to wonder what the women in the industry thought about radical feminists views about your line of work, but actually input from male/trans workers would be equally appreciated or ever more so as I know less about their opinions.
I'm not entirely sure how to prove that this project actually exists but to anybody it may concern my University email is maybe a reply from this would be prove something? I can also provide my tutor, Graham's email if necessary.
Thank you for taking the time to reply it's hugely appreciated. I'm also sorry to bother you. I understand you probably get asked the same irritating questions all the time.


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Re: Sex industry project. Would love your input!! :)
« Reply #4 on: 01 November 2016, 11:33:39 pm »
Have you received ethical approval from your university? Please provide the reference number.


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Re: Sex industry project. Would love your input!! :)
« Reply #5 on: 02 November 2016, 07:09:52 am »
This is a class assignment. It will serve only to benefit you. I have responded to projects that are presented to Parliament, etc as they are in the public interest.

I'm not here to help some kid with their homework.

There are a lot of published resources that you can read.


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Re: Sex industry project. Would love your input!! :)
« Reply #6 on: 02 November 2016, 01:10:57 pm »
Probably best not to say 'transgenders' as well.


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Re: Sex industry project. Would love your input!! :)
« Reply #7 on: 03 November 2016, 10:16:18 am »
I began to wonder what the women in the industry thought about radical feminists views about your line of work,

Radical feminists have very different views when it comes to sex work, the spectrum goes from total abolitionists, to the nordic model followers to the ones who think sex work is empowering. So you would need to narrow your search a bit more. Most of us here have responded to projects that were presented to parliament so we know how academic research works (plus quite a few women here are in academic research themselves). Because it's obvious you're a newbie (nothing wrong, we all had to started somewhere, me included) I would reccomend you type in a well thought and clear questionaire and e-mail it to sex workers so they fill it in, as your initial post sounds really "all over the place". I believe that would be a good starting point.
« Last Edit: 03 November 2016, 10:27:38 am by Ana30 »
"Sex work is real work, being a landlord isn't" - Graffitti seen on a wall.


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Re: Sex industry project. Would love your input!! :)
« Reply #8 on: 03 November 2016, 04:28:31 pm »
Thank you for the advice Ana, this is my first time doing research in this way. This was the first post I did. I will take your advice and construct an email with a clearer objective. I'm aware that a lot of women here are academic researchers. I was hoping for some advice on where to start my research. So thank you for replying :) it was very helpful.


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Re: Sex industry project. Would love your input!! :)
« Reply #9 on: 03 November 2016, 07:58:04 pm »
Thank you for the advice Ana, this is my first time doing research in this way. This was the first post I did. I will take your advice and construct an email with a clearer objective. I'm aware that a lot of women here are academic researchers. I was hoping for some advice on where to start my research. So thank you for replying :) it was very helpful.

I'm not an academic researcher myself, but I've been interviewed by them a few times. Usually I google on the name of the person before and see what he/she's written before and were she/he stands (politically speaking) and where she's aiming at with the project. This is not your case because you're starting out. If I were you I would put together a document full of questions and a statement of what you're trying to achieve with your research and send it to people who have agreeded to participate. Also: you need to have a more clear objective and sound a bit more professional :-)

But maybe you're a journo from The daily fail passing himself as a student and I'm wasting my time here lol
« Last Edit: 03 November 2016, 08:04:14 pm by Ana30 »
"Sex work is real work, being a landlord isn't" - Graffitti seen on a wall.


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Re: Sex industry project. Would love your input!! :)
« Reply #10 on: 20 March 2017, 06:27:12 am »
Maybe someone should do research on clients rather than the girls in the industry ? A bit like a tick box survey

1. Why do you use sex workers      a) No sex marriage    b)No girlfriend    c)No confidence with women

2. What would you do if sex work was criminalised ?    a) Stop using them   b)Have an affair   c)Leave your wife

put a survey online, too many surveys on the girls and not enough surveys on the clients, a survey like this could potentially highlight important factors in sex work like customer needs.

Then we can use it should they ever decide to criminalise purchasing sex in England 


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Re: Sex industry project. Would love your input!! :)
« Reply #11 on: 20 March 2017, 06:33:46 am »
I began to wonder what the women in the industry thought about radical feminists views about your line of work, but actually input from male/trans workers would be equally appreciated or ever more so as I know less about their opinions

We are REAL the Radical Feminists....

Feminism is a range of political movements, ideologies, and social movements that share a common goal: to define and advance political, economic, personal, and social rights for women.

Anyone pretending to be a radical feminist and opposing to Womens choices, is a fraud. We define ourselves and each other, we advance politically, economically, personally and fight for our own social rights. Any women fighting or opposing any other womans choice is not a radical feminist. Please don't refer to them as such, call them feminist dictators