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Author Topic: Sentencing guidelines consultation  (Read 2219 times)


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Sentencing guidelines consultation
« on: 13 February 2013, 04:18:04 pm »
Until March 14th, there's a consultation on sentencing in relation to sexual offences, including the ones relating to 'control for gain' and keeping a brothel involving prostitution. has the details. The full thing is looong and contains some stuff like examples of offending behaviour that may be triggering. The sex work bits are in the 'Exploitation' section, and it's ok to just respond to that.

From a quick look, the proposal is to increase the penalties for most categories of offending in this area. While people involved in abduction / detention / violence / abuse / coercion of prostitutes - these are all given as examples of increasing the harm caused by the offences - should not complain if they get heavier sentences, it is not immediately obvious to me that, for example, people sub-letting their working flat or running somewhere you want to work should necessarily do so (this would be a category two offence, but would be culpability B for brothels and B or C depending on circumstances for agencies = starting point of one year imprisonment for a 2B or medium level community order for 2C).

You may disagree, but in either case, if you don't say so, they'll never know what you think...

'The Ian formerly known as SW5'. What they said: "Indispensable", "You are our best resource", and (hours later!) "I'm afraid that you're being made redundant..."


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Re: Sentencing guidelines consultation
« Reply #1 on: 17 February 2013, 08:51:05 pm »
Until March 14th, there's a consultation on sentencing in relation to sexual offences, including the ones relating to 'control for gain' and keeping a brothel involving prostitution. has the details. The full thing is looong and contains some stuff like examples of offending behaviour that may be triggering. The sex work bits are in the 'Exploitation' section, and it's ok to just respond to that.

From a quick look, the proposal is to increase the penalties for most categories of offending in this area. While people involved in abduction / detention / violence / abuse / coercion of prostitutes - these are all given as examples of increasing the harm caused by the offences - should not complain if they get heavier sentences, it is not immediately obvious to me that, for example, people sub-letting their working flat or running somewhere you want to work should necessarily do so (this would be a category two offence, but would be culpability B for brothels and B or C depending on circumstances for agencies = starting point of one year imprisonment for a 2B or medium level community order for 2C).

You may disagree, but in either case, if you don't say so, they'll never know what you think...

I only discovered sentencing guidelines for crimes online last year and they are very interesting indeed. Degree of seriousness of harm to those considered vulnerable as well as the risk to public in general can play a big part in sentencing.