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Author Topic: Research Study - 30 minute phone call - $30  (Read 1417 times)


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Research Study - 30 minute phone call - $30
« on: 26 February 2014, 08:01:29 pm »
I'm a graduate student at the University of Central Florida in Orlando, Florida. My Master's Thesis is on the health care experiences of women in the escort industry. Below is the study information, and following that is a bit about me.

Are you willing to participate in research about your health care experiences, particularly those focused on sexual health?

The University of Central Florida is conducting research into the health care experiences, specifically those focused on sexual health, of escorts/companionship workers. You must be over 18, voluntarily working in your current industry, and exclusively working indoors.

This research will consist of a short audio interview over the phone, or over audio only Skype if that is preferred. This interview will last 20 to 40 minutes. You will be asked a short series of questions about your health care experiences, specifically those that focus on sexual health, along with a few general demographic questions. You do not have to show your face during the interview. No personally identifying information will be collected.

If you would like to participate, please contact

Rachael McCrosky - Principal Researcher
University of Central Florida, Sociology Department

A bit about me: I'm Pro-Legalization, and my areas of research interest are sexuality, gender, and medicine (particularly the intersection of those three). This research is focused on the lived experiences of women that are the "invisible middle class" of escorting, those working indoors and generally anonymously. It is my hope that by sharing the perspectives of women in this industry, medical professionals can be better informed about how to improve health care visits for women in this industry.

I am primarily looking for people living in the US. Payment will be offered through PayPal, or through Amazon Gift Cards. I know $30 isn't lucrative, but I'm limited in what I can offer. I'm paying out of my own pocket, and my Institutional Review Board doesn't want me to create undue influence on participants by offering larger compensation. Any help would be appreciated, thank you!

Rachael McCrosky