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Author Topic: Research request  (Read 1483 times)


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Research request
« on: 04 November 2013, 04:29:47 pm »

My name is Emma Smith, a PhD student at the University of Stirling, researching responses to violence against sex workers in Scotland.

I am now at the fieldwork stage of my research, and am seeking to make contact with both sex workers and agencies currently involved in responding to violence against sex workers throughout Scotland. I am interested in examining the various perceptions, experiences, barriers, and challenges that may underpin these responses. It is anticipated that the research would contribute towards further informing public understanding of the extent and nature of violence against sex workers; enhancing and adding to current support service delivery for sex workers; highlighting new directions for future, related research and, potentially influencing positive policy development.

I am particularly keen to make contact with female sex workers, although interest from male, transgender or transsexual sex workers would also be welcomed. Understandably, given the nature of the research topic, issues of access to participants can be problematic. I would therefore really appreciate any expressions of interest from potential participants, in order to inform and develop the research study. All participants will be acknowledged, but remain anonymous in the research write-up.

The study will ideally be shaped by the experiences and needs of sex workers as far as possible. This extends to the protection of participants. Participant needs, rights and interests will be considered and prioritised at all stages of the research process. Research questions are not intended to be detrimental to participants, and it will be at the discretion of participants as to how much or little information they provide. Participant privacy and confidentiality will be respected, and participants will remain anonymous throughout the research process, and write-up.

My main research method is in in-depth, qualitative interviews, involving meeting participants in person. I am however, willing to be flexible regarding the methods used-online interviews can also be arranged if a face-to-face interview is unsuitable, and I am happy to travel within Scotland to accommodate a meeting place and time that is mutually convenient.  Similarly, I am happy to include the perspectives of sex workers working in other areas of the UK, for a more rounded insight into the views of sex workers on issues of violence and safety at work. Prior to interviews, participants will be provided with an information sheet, outlining aspects of the research study. Consent-verbal or written is required from participants before interviews take place.

If you would like any further information about the research, or about myself as a researcher, or should you have any questions or concerns related to the study, please do not hesitate to get in touch, by e-mailing me:

I look forward to hearing from all potential participants- sex workers, or individuals with direct experience of working with sex workers.

Kind regards,


  • Media/Research
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Re: Research request
« Reply #1 on: 04 November 2013, 04:44:56 pm »
Further to my initial post, for anyone who might be interested in participating in my research,  I will be holding interviews between now and approx. March/April 2014. Interviews in person are likely to last around 1 hour. My research has also been fully approved by Stirling University Ethics Committee. If anyone is interested in participating, or would like to know more about the research, please see my last post which has my contact details. Thanks.