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Author Topic: Research on Escorts and Public Policy  (Read 1764 times)


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Research on Escorts and Public Policy
« on: 24 July 2014, 05:57:26 pm »
Hello Everyone!

My name is Rebecca, and I am doing a graduate project on escorts for Western Kentucky University.  I don't think enough research has been done that includes the perspective/voice of the workers.  I could really use your help.  I have a few questions, and any responses would be incredibly helpful. 

The questions are posted below, under the Informed Consent document.

Please respond to the questions, or feel free to message me answers directly.  If you have any questions, I welcome the opportunity to discuss the project with you.

Thank you for your time.

 - Rebecca


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Re: Research on Escorts and Public Policy
« Reply #1 on: 24 July 2014, 06:01:14 pm »
Informed Consent Document

Project Title: Prostitution and Public Policy: Community Based Research
Investigator: Rebecca A. Schwartz, WKU Graduate Student, Department of Diversity and Community Studies, (502) 706-0179,

You are being asked to participate in a project conducted through Western Kentucky University. The University requires that you give informed consent to participate in this project.

The investigator will explain to you in detail the purpose of the project, the procedures to be used, and the potential benefits and possible risks of participation.  You may ask any questions you have to help you understand the project.  A basic explanation of the project is written below.  Please read this explanation and post any questions you may have.

If you then decide to participate in the project, please post your responses to the questions listed below. 

1.   Nature and Purpose of the Project: 
The purpose of this study is to examine public policy governing prostitution and to investigate which public policy would best protect both women?s rights and public good.  This is an area of concern because current policy, criminalization, is based primarily on the perception that prostitution is harmful to the common good. 

2.   Explanation of Procedures: 
Each participant will answer questions pertaining to their economic situation, views on public policy, personal safety concerns, and general questions about working conditions. Responses should be posted within this forum thread or messaged directly to investigator through anonymous messaging system only.

3.   Discomfort and Risks:
Trigger Warning:  While not the intention, the questions associated with this study may invoke an emotional response.  This may especially act as a trigger for past trauma.  Subjects may terminate contact at any time. 

Legal Issues: Legal issues regarding prostitution are different for difference countries.  Because this study involves subjects posting to a forum, they could be from anywhere, including countries where prostitution is an illegal enterprise.  For those subjects, arrest and legal concern is always an issue.  Participating in this study in no way protects from criminal charges.  Subjects may be admitting to illegal activity.  While the interview process strives to be anonymous, all material gathered is subject to subpoena.  It is asked that participants DO NOT provide any form of identifiable data that could link to personal contact outside the parameters of the website.

No part of this study includes illegal activity.  It only reports on the circumstances discussed in the postings.

The study is being conducted under the guidance of Dr. Molly Kerby.  If you have any concerns or complaints about it, you may contact her at Western Kentucky University.  All contact outside of the website would be held to a confidential standard, but could disclose identifiable data.

4.   Benefits:
Results of this research will give a better understanding of issues relating to sex workers rights. The data gained from this study may help in creating more equitable policies for workers.

5.   Confidentiality: 

No identifying information should be provided at any time.  Any and all material gathered will be considered anonymous; unless you provide personally identifiable data. Such personally identifiable data is not requested.

6.   Refusal/Withdrawal: 
Refusal to participate in this study will have no effect on any future services you may be entitled to from the University.  Anyone who agrees to participate in this study is free to withdraw from the study at any time with no penalty.
You understand also that it is not possible to identify all potential risks in an experimental procedure, and you believe that reasonable safeguards have been taken to minimize both the known and potential but unknown risks.

Your continued cooperation with the following research implies your consent.[/i]

Paul Mooney, Human Protections Administrator
TELEPHONE:  (270) 745-2129

« Last Edit: 29 July 2014, 03:46:26 pm by Study »


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Re: Research on Escorts and Public Policy
« Reply #2 on: 24 July 2014, 06:03:20 pm »
Interview Questions

1.   How long have you been employed?

2.   Do you worry about your own safety?

3.   What actions do you take to protect yourself from sexually transmitted diseases?

4.   Do you have access to health care?

5.   Are you paid fairly?

6.   How would you describe your economic situation?

7.   What plans do you have for your future?

8.   How do your view law enforcement?  Do they provide protection for you?

9.   Is there a policy change that would assist you?

10.   What services could the community provide that would help you?

11.   Do you feel your profession segregates you from your local community?

12.   Is sex work legal in your country?
« Last Edit: 29 July 2014, 03:45:52 pm by Study »


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Re: Research on Escorts and Public Policy
« Reply #3 on: 07 August 2014, 02:54:10 pm »
How long have you been employed?
over 20 years
Do you worry about your own safety?
Of course I do. There is always the possibility of danger.
 What actions do you take to protect yourself from sexually transmitted diseases?
always require condoms
 Do you have access to health care?
 Are you paid fairly?
Fairly ??, as agreed. . .yes
 How would you describe your economic situation?
comfortably middle class
 What plans do you have for your future?
I try not to make plans.
 How do your view law enforcement?  Do they provide protection for you?
I know many cops and for the most part they are just people doing their jobs. They do provide a certain level of security that we appreciate.
 Is there a policy change that would assist you?
decriminalize, organize workers and license legal establishments that would provide protection and medical services to workers.
  What services could the community provide that would help you?
decriminalize, organize workers and license legal establishments that would provide protection and medical services to workers
Do you feel your profession segregates you from your local community?
It makes it hard to live in "normal" society. You live a lie. PTA meetings are awkward if they know my profession.
 Is sex work legal in your country?
I live in the U.S.A. so yes, no, maybe.


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Re: Research on Escorts and Public Policy
« Reply #4 on: 09 August 2014, 05:33:06 am »
How long have you been employed?  4 years
Do you worry about your own safety.  Yes
What actions ....condoms
Do you have access to health care no
are you paid fairly no
How would you describe your economic situation?  lower class
What plans do you have for your future?  none, really
How do you view law enforcement?  They are not interested in protecting me
Is there a policy change....make prostitution legal
Is prostitution legal in your country?  yes
do ;you feel your profession,......yes, of course


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Re: Research on Escorts and Public Policy
« Reply #5 on: 09 August 2014, 08:32:22 am »
1.   How long have you been employed?

5 years.

2.   Do you worry about your own safety?

At times, but less so than when I was a promiscuous teenager.

3.   What actions do you take to protect yourself from sexually transmitted diseases?

Protected sex always, oral without at discretion and regular testing.

4.   Do you have access to health care?


5.   Are you paid fairly?

Yes, I set my own rates based on the industry standard for my area.

6.   How would you describe your economic situation?


7.   What plans do you have for your future?

Save enough for a deposit to get on the property ladder.

8.   How do your view law enforcement?  Do they provide protection for you?

As yet I haven't had to use the police for work related instances however I find in my area they are less then helpful on most matters.  I wouldn't be keen on approaching them if I needed to.

9.   Is there a policy change that would assist you?

Allow sex workers to work from the same premises for protection and peace of mind.  Remove the clause from rental agreements which state the property must not be used for immoral purposes. 

10.   What services could the community provide that would help you?

Sex worker friendly health clinics.

11.   Do you feel your profession segregates you from your local community?
Yes, living a double life is draining at times.

12.   Is sex work legal in your country?



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Re: Research on Escorts and Public Policy
« Reply #6 on: 09 August 2014, 11:29:07 am »
How long have you been employed?
under 3 months
Do you worry about your own safety?
Yes and no, yes because the possibility is always there, no because I offer outcalls only so have all the clients personal info before attending
 What actions do you take to protect yourself from sexually transmitted diseases?
always require condoms
 Do you have access to health care?
 Are you paid fairly?
I don't think the rates are particularly high for the job we do, but I'm paid what I ask for or the rates I've set.
 How would you describe your economic situation?
 What plans do you have for your future?
Go to university, buy a house, have a baby
 How do your view law enforcement?  Do they provide protection for you?
I think in some respects yes, in  others no I think a stigma does exist.
 Is there a policy change that would assist you?
decriminalize sex work.
  What services could the community provide that would help you?
decriminalize sex work.
Do you feel your profession segregates you from your local community?
Yes, because I have a 9-5 job too so I have to live a lie as far as escoring goes.
 Is sex work legal in your country?
Yes, grey area.

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Re: Research on Escorts and Public Policy
« Reply #7 on: 09 August 2014, 11:31:08 am »
1.   How long have you been employed?

As an escort, about 6 years.

2.   Do you worry about your own safety?

No. I think about my safety enough to take precautions

3.   What actions do you take to protect yourself from sexually transmitted diseases?

I always use condoms and get regular check ups

4.   Do you have access to health care?

Yes, my GP and I go to a GUM clinic for sex workers

5.   Are you paid fairly?


6.   How would you describe your economic situation?

Good. I'm making a lot more than the average worker for far fewer hours

7.   What plans do you have for your future?

To finish paying of my mortgage in Aus in the  next few years then move back there and start my own business in ecotourism

8.   How do you* view law enforcement?  Do they provide protection for you?

A bizarre Kafkaesque bureaucracy but doing the best job they can under the circumstances I guess. The few times I've needed them (had a bike stolen once and a phone stolen another time), the best they could do was take some details, file them away and tell me the case was closed. Yes.

9.   Is there a policy change that would assist you?

No. But if policy makers sought out the perspective of sex workers, as you are, it would prevent some terrible policy changes that are being considered here.

10.   What services could the community provide that would help you?


11.   Do you feel your profession segregates you from your local community?

Not really, I tell people at my gym, chess club, local cafe etc that I'm a masseur.

12.   Is sex work legal in your country?

Yes, I'm in the UK