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Author Topic: Research looking at support needs of escorts in smaller towns  (Read 3109 times)


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Most services for sex workers are based in larger cities with some outreach work in smaller towns and more rural areas. At the University of East Anglia, we have been asked by The Matrix (a Norwich based service for sex workers) to look at the needs of all sex workers in Norfolk. Those needs could be related to your business (management, IT) or your actual work (safety, sexual health, assertiveness courses) or your personal life (housing, family life, children).

We are particularly interested in hearing from escorts in Norfolk who are willing to be interviewed anonymously and on-line. If you are NOT from Norfolk but work in a small town or rural area elsewhere, we are equally as keen to talk to you.

The outcome of the research will be used to re-design services to fit with the actual needs of sex workers as indicated by sex workers themselves and recognising that the needs of escorts will be different to the needs of street workers.

The on-line interview should not take more than 30 minutes - depending on how much you have to say on the topic! - and we can offer ?20 for your time.

Please get in touch if you can help or want more information.


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Re: Research looking at support needs of escorts in smaller towns
« Reply #1 on: 22 July 2014, 10:40:28 am »
I'm not from Norfolk, to add my two cents, but I am working in Cornwall alot, which is equally rural.

There are no support services down here for sex workers and we are geographically cut off from those services in England (we border with Devon but services for indoor sex workers are extremely lacking there too.) If you ask sexual health workers, police etc they will tell you there is no sex work down here!

This does make it difficult to be upfront when going for health checks and would make me very reluctant to talk to the police if I needed to. I imagine it is a similiar situation in Norfolk.


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Re: Research looking at support needs of escorts in smaller towns
« Reply #2 on: 22 July 2014, 12:08:56 pm »
I appreciate your helpful comments and you are exactly the kind of person we would like to talk to about appropriate services.
I wonder if you might be willing to contact me on


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Re: Research looking at support needs of escorts in smaller towns
« Reply #3 on: 27 July 2014, 11:49:51 pm »
I live in a country town - within travelling distance of London, where I often work, but it is still quite different from living and working in a large urban centre (my previous experience)...


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Re: Research looking at support needs of escorts in smaller towns
« Reply #4 on: 05 August 2014, 11:40:00 am »
I wonder if you can tell me something about the differences, particularly in relation to the services that you might want to access? Is it hard to use services in smaller towns if you are less anonymous? Do you mind travelling if you need specialist services or would you prefer outreach?

I also wonder what kind of services you might want to access? There is always a big emphasis on sexual health services, legal services and drug and alcohol support services but I think that stems from services for sex workers originally being set up to cater for the needs of street workers and I imagine - maybe I am wrong so please tell me - that the needs of escorts are quite different. You run a business with a website, you often work alone so does that mean IT is a potential support need? Safety skills, assertiveness? I am really keen to hear from you all.


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Re: Research looking at support needs of escorts in smaller towns
« Reply #5 on: 07 August 2014, 10:56:39 am »
For me outreach is definitely easier than travelling, as I frequently rely on public transport - which obviously makes working in the industry harder in the first place!! - which can be very expensive.  It's harder to access services in small towns as I often know people (for example, my GP is my childhood GP and I have a family member working at the clinic, and the only walk-in/non-GP services are for 'youth' only).  As I am trans, it makes it doubly hard, due to higher levels of ignorance in small towns (not inevitable, but sadly more common).

Safety issues is definitely a priority for me - I come under a lot of pressure from clients to do unsafe stuff and it is good to have skill provision services to fall back on.  Also intersectional services - for example, specialist services for workers who are SWs + trans, SWs + MSM, SWs + disabled - as many services don't have awareness of these issues.  Isolation can also be an issue when working in a small town, so things like online buddying and networking are also good.

I hope this helps!


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Re: Research looking at support needs of escorts in smaller towns
« Reply #6 on: 08 August 2014, 12:13:01 pm »
That is really helpful so many thanks for your considered reply.

There are obviously many issues that services do not yet recognise and perhaps the problem is that services are set up to cater for the support needs of 'sex workers' but like any other population there are differences between the individuals and their needs. In fairness, one reason for the current project, which we have been commissioned to do for a service in Norfolk, is that they are recognising the changes in sex work - from predominantly street work to escort work, internet/web based work, acting and dance. The more people speak out about their work and associated support needs, the more likely it is that services will be adapted to become more inclusive of the whole working population. However, from your comments, it appears that training of staff who run those services is important to increase their awareness of the many different groups of sex workers, particularly those with more specialist needs.

If you wanted to use an outreach service how would that best work for you? How could it best be discreet? How often would it be needed?

I think the issue of isolation is perhaps not considered much and this forum seems to provide an excellent opportunity for on-line support and advice whilst still being anonymous. Do you feel that a less anonymous local peer support group would be useful?

I would also be interested in hearing how you feel professionals and service providers treat you if you disclose the work you do?


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Re: Research looking at support needs of escorts in smaller towns
« Reply #7 on: 18 August 2014, 10:41:51 pm »
I've always been told most places like the matrix project is for sex workers on the streets, so never considered looking into them, I'm from Norfolk myself.
As far as I am aware, most the escorts I know wouldn't use an outreach programme purely for being worried about discretion, not sure how it could be made to look less obvious.

Also on your last comment, for myself most services providers don't even blink an eye when I say what I do for work, only ever had one rude doctor that starting giving me a full on lecture on std's and condoms etc... Pretty sure I went to that appointment to get my iron levels tested!


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Re: Research looking at support needs of escorts in smaller towns
« Reply #8 on: 28 August 2014, 06:09:42 pm »
You are absolutely right that The Matrix would appear to cater mostly for street workers but with decreasing numbers of street workers and increasing numbers of escorts, they are keen to change the services on offer so that they are more appropriate for the kind of sex work taking place today.

I suppose outreach would work if it was done discreetly in an unmarked vehicle but what would you want outreach to provide? Is it better to have specialist services attached to more universal services? For example, dedicated clinics/times for sex workers to attend for health screening at local hospitals/surgeries or clinics? Or do things work OK as they are?

I mentioned in a previous post that it may be that basic health and social services are covered and escorts may be more interested in computer training - website design, use of webcams etc and safety and business skills?

What do you think?


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Re: Research looking at support needs of escorts in smaller towns
« Reply #9 on: 02 September 2014, 12:06:12 pm »
Northumberland here, and just repeating what others have said, absolutely no outreach or support here. A discrete add on to the GUM clinic might be the best idea, though in small towns people might be loathe to use it anyway


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Re: Research looking at support needs of escorts in smaller towns
« Reply #10 on: 04 September 2014, 10:15:50 am »
Thanks for your comments, Jemima - so what do you do if you live in a small town? Do you travel to a hospital in a larger city? How would you like outreach to operate? And what do you most want outreach to support you with? Sexual health checks? Condoms etc?

I really appreciate you taking the time to consider the issues and hope that it will provide the views of escorts as to your needs and wishes for appropriate services - this really is a chance to be listened to so that resources are spent in a way that supports all sex workers, not just street workers.


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Re: Research looking at support needs of escorts in smaller towns
« Reply #11 on: 22 September 2014, 07:21:19 pm »
Somerset here  ;D lol

My main problem is I live in a small town, surrounded by small towns, I also don't drive, so use public transport. There is no local gum clinic near me and this is a major issue for me. If there was something provided locally that I could use once a month to have a full check over, that would be amazing!


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Re: Research looking at support needs of escorts in smaller towns
« Reply #12 on: 23 September 2014, 04:30:46 pm »
Thanks for your reply.
So are you basically suggesting an outreach service? It could come from a service provided in a larger city nearby but if you live in a small town you would want it to be discreet, I assume, or perhaps a universal service for everyone wanting a sexual health screen - outreach GUM?
I am still really hoping that some of you will speak to me on the phone - in total confidence - so that all this important information can help shape future services for you all. You will not be identified and you do not need to give your name.

Please get in touch!


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Re: Research looking at support needs of escorts in smaller towns
« Reply #13 on: 23 September 2014, 05:21:34 pm »
I don't mind speaking over the phone instead, will be a lot easier  :D


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Re: Research looking at support needs of escorts in smaller towns
« Reply #14 on: 25 September 2014, 12:08:55 pm »
That would be great! Can you email me, please and then we can set up a time to suit you?