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Author Topic: Research into Sexuality and Digital Technologies  (Read 1707 times)

R.H Research

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Research into Sexuality and Digital Technologies
« on: 25 January 2020, 11:47:36 am »
Hi there,

I'm Rachel, a PhD researcher in Leicester (De Montfort University, The Computing, Engineering and Media Department) and I am looking for participants for an ethnographic study on sexuality and contemporary digital technology in the UK.

The Research

I'm putting a call for participants here because as a part of the research I am looking at... A. people who utilise digital technologies for selling sexual services, whether as tools (digital photography, smart phones), advertisement (social media, directories, websites) or direct selling platforms (webcam, content sites).

I am especially interested in anyone who has used these technological tools for BDSM services such as dominatrix or submissive services, in people who advertise as exclusive, GFE, courtesan or high class and people who work across different sectors of the sex market, such as pornography and escorting. However anyone who regularly uses these technologies for selling sexual services would be of interest.

What I am Requesting

I am looking to do in person, informal, unstructured interviews with participants of about one to two hours long to talk about how digital technologies fit into your working lives, but also, especially if you are a BDSM provider, how other older materials, tools and machines fit into your working life. Sadly I cannot offer payment but I can offer lunch/dinner if we meet for an in person conversation.


As this is a digital ethnography I am interested in people in a diverse range of places and I am looking for participants from any part of the UK for in person interviews. However, I'd also be interested in online interviews if A. you'd be interested in participating but would rather talk remotely, or B. if your location is too difficult for me to get to.

This research has been cleared by the department's internal ethics committee and before you are interviewed, you would sign a consent form which would include your withdrawal and confidentiality rights and my commitment to data protection regulation.

If anyone is interested please feel free to email me at

R.H Research

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Re: Research into Sexuality and Digital Technologies
« Reply #1 on: 12 February 2020, 10:07:56 pm »
**Update - I am doing interviews in London from the 16th until the 18th (possibly 19th) this month so any London based  sex workers who might be interested in participating in the research do let me know on the above email address. With thanks.