Hi everyone,
My name is Fez, I'm a Sociology student at the University of Plymouth looking for migrant sex workers to take part in research for my undergraduate dissertation. I am also a sex worker myself and have been for over four years.
What is the aim?The aim is to evaluate how UK law and policy on prostitution impacts the everyday lives of migrant sex workers. The purpose is to contribute to the existing research on sex work in a way that centers the lived experiences of migrant sex workers, who are often sidelined both in academia and politics. As I am also a migrant sex worker there will be an autobiographical component in addition to your contributions.
What is involved?Over the next 2-3 weeks I would like to set up interviews which can be over video call (Skype, etc.), phone call, or face-to-face if you're in Plymouth, depending on your preference. These are expected to last 1 hour. During the interview you will be asked to speak about your opinions on UK policy on prostitution, how they affect the way you work and your everyday life, and to speak about any ways you would like to see the policies change. It is totally up to you how much detail you go into and what topics you talk about. Any details you give me will be anonymised in the dissertation and nothing that can identify you will be made public.
Who can take part?Participants need to be:
- Migrant sex workers (not born in the UK)
- Over 18 years old
- Living and working in the UK either currently or within the past 5 years
- Who work primarily indoors
- Who advertise primarily online
- Any gender, sexuality, race or ethnicity
I may at a later date (within a few weeks) extend this call-out to British workers who would be comfortable talking about their perceptions of how migrant sex workers are affected by UK law.
EthicsThis study has been awarded ethical approval from the University of Plymouth BSc Sociology Ethics Committee and is being supervised by Dr Roberto Kulpa, Lecturer in Sociology who can be contacted at roberto.kulpa@plymouth.ac.uk
Unfortunately I'm not allowed to offer payment as an undergraduate - I fully understand that this will limit the number of people willing to participate, particularly migrant workers. I'm hoping that this study can lay a foundation from which I can develop postgraduate projects in future that will have a wider reach and involve payment for participants.
If you'd like to take part please email me at fez.endalaust@students.plymouth.ac.uk
Thanks for reading! I'm happy to answer any questions, feel free to post them in this thread or email me.