Hi all,
My name is Indiah Miller, I am a final year journalism student who is writing my dissertation on young women in the sex industry. As you can imagine, this is a very sensitive subject and not the easiest in terms of finding interviewees, but I really hope that a few of you ladies (or guys!) on will be willing to help.
I will be focusing on the rise of university fees and how this has contributed to the rise of more young people joining the sex industry, therefore I would be interested in hearing from those of you who are in this position, or have previously used sex work as a way to finance studies. Interviewees can remain 100% anonymous if they wish, and will take no more than an hour.
I am currently studying in Nottingham, but I am willing to travel for interviews, or conduct interviews over the phone.
I can be contacted through either email: indiahmiller@hotmail.cot.uk
or phone: 07903287218
I hope to speak to you soon,