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Author Topic: Request for Help with Research Into Career Chances for Escorts  (Read 1583 times)

Swallow Tattoo

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Request for Help with Research Into Career Chances for Escorts
« on: 26 February 2013, 09:41:02 am »

I'm a final year student at Sheffield University and I'm doing some research into the lives of women working as escorts. I'd be really grateful if and ladies who use this site could help me out by filling in this quick questionnaire - it takes 2-3 minutes and is completely anonymous. Just click (or copy and paste into your browser) the link below.

There's more info about the survey on the first page of the questionnaire.

Thanks!  :)



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Re: Request for Help with Research Into Career Chances for Escorts
« Reply #1 on: 27 February 2013, 03:32:03 pm »
I did htis questionairre but cannot see how it is what it says it is.  It has nothing to do with the future plans of escorts as apart form one question asking how long we plan to do this the rest was why did we start, money, forced, other etc etc, then it was about do we use drugs now or before. have we now got a criminal record now or before.
How is this about the work we do or our plans for future work.  None of that was even mentioned in this at all.  This is slightly misrepresented on the front page
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