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Author Topic: Re-launch of the SCOT-PEP website  (Read 1847 times)


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    • SCOT-PEP
Re-launch of the SCOT-PEP website
« on: 03 March 2012, 11:57:41 am »
Today, on 3rd March ? International Sex Worker Rights Day - we are pleased to announce the re-launch of the SCOT-PEP website which has been significantly updated and improved.
SCOT-PEP now operates as a campaigning and lobbying organisation committed to promoting health, dignity and human rights for all involved in sex work.
The website, which will be continually updated and improved, already includes:
?         A Sex Workers Toolkit with information on the law, safety at work and sexual health
?         A directory of useful services ? which we plan to build on and expand to cover the whole of Scotland
?         Information about current campaigns ? e.g. against the criminalisation of sex work
?         Useful Briefing Papers on a range of subjects and topic areas
?         News stories about sex work
?         A library of other useful resources & suggested reading
We also want sex workers to get involved!  There is a Forum facility where sex workers and allies can join and contribute to online debates and discussions.  In the future there will also be opportunities to come along to information and consultation sessions we will be organising.  And there is information about how you can join SCOT-PEP in fighting by joining our Campaign Group or our Board of Directors.
Take a look at the new website: