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Author Topic: Rare Day looking for sex workers for new documentary  (Read 2294 times)


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Rare Day looking for sex workers for new documentary
« on: 28 February 2013, 12:57:14 pm »
Hi everyone,

Thanks for clicking on this post.

My name is Sarah and I work for an independent television production company called Rare Day ( We specialise in high-quality documentaries for top broadcasters such as the BBC, Channel 4 and Channel 5. Please feel free to see some of our work here -

We are currently developing an idea for a new documentary about sex workers, and I'm looking for people who might be interested in helping us.

Our aim is to collaborate with sex workers to make a documentary that challenges people's preconceptions of sex workers, a documentary that shows the 'truth' of sex-work and the people who choose to work in this industry, and challenges the stereotypes that are so prevalent. We know that there are people of all ages, all genders, and from all backgrounds who for various reasons CHOOSE to work in this industry, and we want to help them tell their stories. We have already met and filmed with sex workers - both currently working and retired - but are keen to meet others.

A key part of this documentary would be to train our contributors with cameras so that they have the freedom to film their own experiences, and be active in the film-making process. The idea would be to combine more traditional 'interviews' with footage you shoot yourself - whether this is getting ready to meet a client, or cooking dinner for your kids, or walking your dog - in order to show that sex work is work, and work is just part of life.

I am aware that appearing on camera is a lot to ask, and I completely understand that for many members of this message board, anonymity is too precious to consider taking part in such a project. However, if this does sound like something you'd like to be involved with, or if you would like to know more, I would love to hear from you. I  can be reached at or just send me a PM.

Thanks so much for reading this post,
Best wishes,