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Author Topic: Query: Unionisation of sex workers!  (Read 4110 times)


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Re: Query: Unionisation of sex workers!
« Reply #15 on: 07 November 2018, 04:03:53 pm »
no, we define bosses as people with the power to hire and fire

Which is EXACTLY what someone subletting their work flat has because they can pick and choose who can work there!

Ana's vision when they started the IUSW was that it would be open to everyone in the sex industry, including those with jobs who weren't popular. When the historic linkup with the GMB was negotiated if that hadn't already been the case, it would have needed to be changed so it was. The GMB rulebook is VERY clear that it is open to "bosses" too.

A long series of meetings means I know that there are people who do not like this but even if the GMB would have agreed to have change their rulebook just for one small branch, the objectors could never come up with a series of purity tests that excluded the one person they didn't like without also catching people they did. Instead the arguments pissed away at least a year.


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Re: Query: Unionisation of sex workers!
« Reply #16 on: 07 November 2018, 08:27:47 pm »
That's a mix of the GMB rule book and the fact that it's quite easy to cross the line. Sublet your working flat and you become someone running a brothel. Does that mean you should be thrown out?

Can someone actively running a brothel or an escort agency be a member of IUSW though? Confused.


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Re: Query: Unionisation of sex workers!
« Reply #17 on: 08 November 2018, 12:15:00 am »
Which is EXACTLY what someone subletting their work flat has because they can pick and choose who can work there!

Ana's vision when they started the IUSW was that it would be open to everyone in the sex industry, including those with jobs who weren't popular. When the historic linkup with the GMB was negotiated if that hadn't already been the case, it would have needed to be changed so it was. The GMB rulebook is VERY clear that it is open to "bosses" too.

A long series of meetings means I know that there are people who do not like this but even if the GMB would have agreed to have change their rulebook just for one small branch, the objectors could never come up with a series of purity tests that excluded the one person they didn't like without also catching people they did. Instead the arguments pissed away at least a year.

subletting a room isn't the same as controlling someone's prices/services/choosing their clients.

thankfully this is organised with UVW who don't allow any bosses to join and are worker led. they don't have branches


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Re: Query: Unionisation of sex workers!
« Reply #18 on: 08 November 2018, 12:15:20 am »
Can someone actively running a brothel or an escort agency be a member of IUSW though? Confused.

I believe so. (ugh)


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Re: Query: Unionisation of sex workers!
« Reply #19 on: 08 November 2018, 07:14:17 am »
Does the IUSW union accept new members, I have tried to join in the past, but not got a reply to my emails, or the form I sent off a few years back. 


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Re: Query: Unionisation of sex workers!
« Reply #20 on: 08 November 2018, 10:03:38 am »
I believe so. (ugh)

Oh well then I don't see the point as I can't see how that could be an effective union, which to me should be for the consideration and needs of the workers only, not those that profit from them. 


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Re: Query: Unionisation of sex workers!
« Reply #21 on: 09 November 2018, 07:36:01 pm »
Oh well then I don't see the point as I can't see how that could be an effective union, which to me should be for the consideration and needs of the workers only, not those that profit from them.

and i agree which is why workers are now unionising with United Voices of the World instead


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Re: Query: Unionisation of sex workers!
« Reply #22 on: 10 November 2018, 11:26:12 am »
I do not know how active the IUSW is now. The arguments over exactly this issue took the life out of it. Although everyone agreed on most things, some did not agree with the open to all within the industry policy. After winning a meaningless vote at the most toxic meeting I have ever attended, they then proceeded to do nothing.

No doubt the GMB with its 600,000+ members would be delighted to be told that it is wrong for a trades union to be open to everyone in an industry. Unite the Union with its 1,200,000+ members seems to have the same rules about this, and managers are among the 1,300,000+ members of UNISON.


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Re: Query: Unionisation of sex workers!
« Reply #23 on: 10 November 2018, 11:32:26 am »
subletting a room isn't the same as controlling someone's prices/services/choosing their clients.

Many brothels and agencies do not set prices or services, you choose how much and which ones you do.

Does someone banning smoking in the flat they sublet meaning you can't do smoking fetish work count? It is controlling your services.


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Re: Query: Unionisation of sex workers!
« Reply #24 on: 11 November 2018, 12:49:16 pm »
Many brothels and agencies do not set prices or services, you choose how much and which ones you do.

Does someone banning smoking in the flat they sublet meaning you can't do smoking fetish work count? It is controlling your services.

I've never ever encountered a brothel or agency that lets you set your prices. At best some cheap brothels will let you charge extra for specialist services. They certainly don't let you decide how much 'commission' you have to give them, 'lolz'.


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Re: Query: Unionisation of sex workers!
« Reply #25 on: 22 November 2018, 04:44:25 pm »
in Spain they have recently met and several prostitutes have created the first union for sex workers called ''OTRAS '' (others)
I'm just another mosquito on this windshield that we call '' life ''


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Re: Query: Unionisation of sex workers!
« Reply #26 on: 25 November 2018, 01:20:27 am »
in Spain they have recently met and several prostitutes have created the first union for sex workers called ''OTRAS '' (others)

and the government have refused to recognise it. so much for being socialist, feminist government which support workers rights