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Author Topic: Porn site age-check law demanded by media regulator  (Read 2461 times)


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Porn site age-check law demanded by media regulator
« on: 28 March 2014, 01:10:44 pm »
This is a news article from BBC, I hope it doesn't go through because now they have put adult blocks on the internet, the flood gates have been opened. Soon porn will be illegal, maybe even with a death sentence.

A UK industry regulator has called for the law to be changed to require pornography sites to carry out age checks before granting access.

Video-on-demand watchdog Atvod said the government must act to protect children from seeing graphic adult material.

It said credit and debit card operators would be forbidden from processing payments from British customers to sites that did not comply.

But one campaigner said the action would be a "worthless gesture".

The Authority for Television On Demand (Atvod) said the matter was so urgent that it was "critical the legislation is enacted during this Parliament".

To back up its demand, the body requested data from market research firm Nielsen, which routinely monitors the general online habits of a volunteer panel of 45,000 desktop PC and laptop users across the UK.

The survey indicated that, over the course of one month:

6% of children aged 15 years or younger had accessed an adult website
5% of visitors to such sites had been under-18
One website alone had been visited by 112,000 boys in the UK aged between 12 and 17-years-old
Of the wider population, 23% of those who had used the net over the month had visited an adult site
Visitors to adult sites spent an average of 15 minutes looking at them during each visit and typically clocked up two-and-a-half hours of time in total over the month
Atvod added that the survey probably underestimated the scale of the issue since smartphone and tablet use was not included in the figures.

Jon Brown, NSPCC, said there were few barriers to accessing pornography online
Porn licences
The regulator already forces UK-based sites to carry out age verification checks before explicit photographs and videos can be viewed.

This can be done by requiring valid credit card details, or other personal information that can be cross-referenced with the electoral roll or another ID database.

However, the body said the vast majority of online pornography was downloaded from businesses based overseas, over which it had no control.

To tackle this, Atvod said it wanted all adult sites to request a licence that would only be granted if they had age checks in place. Payment processors would be ordered not to handle fees for premium services - such as higher definition or longer clips - from UK citizens to unregistered sites.

"We're a very substantial market and to access the money that's flowing from the UK would be quite a powerful incentive to introduce restrictions," Atvod's chief executive, Pete Johnson told the BBC.

Mixed reactions
The UK government has already pressured the UK's major internet service providers to use software filters that automatically block adult material unless households specifically ask for them to be turned off.

Man looks at pornography
Porn site operators say parents have a role to play in protecting their children online
However, a spokesman for the coalition government indicated it needed time to consider Atvod's request.

"We will continue to work with industry and others to look at where further action could be taken, including around age restrictions," he said.

Labour has, however, already come out in support of the move.

"It is only by threatening to cut off the flow of money that we will force these websites to act responsibly, and payment processors need legal clarity before they can act to help achieve this," said shadow culture minister, Helen Goodman.

However, Sex and Censorship - which describes itself as a free speech campaign group - said the move would prove ineffective.

"It won't make any difference to the sites that give all their videos away for free and sell advertising because they don't need credit card processing," said Jerry Barnett.

"And some sites are already accepting bitcoin and other anonymous online payment systems. A clampdown on card payments would just accelerate this trend.

Child uses internet
Atvod wants the law to be changed to protect children before the next general election
"Even if implemented, this measure would have no effect on the range of content available to British consumers."

Mr Barnett previously ran a UK-based adult website himself until he was fined for failing to prevent children accessing its content.

'Significant win'
Mindgeek, the Luxembourg-based operator of many of the most popular adult sites, said it already carried out age verification checks in countries where this was required. But it indicated this did not address the crux of the problem.

"There is no single 'silver bullet' solution to protecting children and adolescents from potentially harmful content and interactions in their digital lives," said a spokeswoman.

"The best solution lies in a multi-layered approach in which the parent assumes the central role."

Atvod acknowledged its proposal was only part of the solution, but it insisted that the scheme could still be designed to make a difference.

"The material that appears on the free services is placed there by the paid services to attract customers to sign up to subscriptions.

"As long as the paid service placed content on a free service without age verification it would be in breach of its licensing conditions and so would not be able to access funds from the UK.

"We're not saying this will stop all children seeing all pornography online.

"But our argument is that even if you reduce the number of children who are accessing hardcore pornography online by 10%, that would be a significant win."

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« Last Edit: 28 March 2014, 01:12:44 pm by amy »


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Re: Porn site age-check law demanded by media regulator
« Reply #1 on: 28 March 2014, 01:14:42 pm »
This is a news article from BBC, I hope it doesn't go through because now they have put adult blocks on the internet, the flood gates have been opened. Soon porn will be illegal, maybe even with a death sentence.

This bit's a joke, presumably. Or are you talking about countries outside the UK?


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Re: Porn site age-check law demanded by media regulator
« Reply #2 on: 28 March 2014, 01:21:41 pm »
It's was meant as a sarcastic joke. Just meant, where will all this end, give a few years? I am sure if this law is passedin the UK, there will be another, and another one to restrict porn till it's illegal.


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Re: Porn site age-check law demanded by media regulator
« Reply #3 on: 28 March 2014, 01:36:21 pm »
I'm not saying I don't agree fundamentally that we have to be wary of censorship and restrictions on the choices of consenting adults, but I am uncomfortable with just how easily accessible much of this stuff is.

Safety filters might not work, and licensing might be dubious too, but I see no problem in principal with the idea that an age restricted product such as pornography shouldn't have againin theory have some controls on it, just the same as other age restricted products, such as alcohol, cigarettes and horror movies.

The internet is massively game changing medium, but we still need to find ways of incorporating it into a non-digital world that still wants to differentiate between the choices made by (or inflicted upon) minors and those made by consenting adults. The internet may have grown exponentially, but its still a baby medium and we are going to need to negotiate between the online world and the 'real world. If if that just means talking about it, for now.


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Re: Porn site age-check law demanded by media regulator
« Reply #4 on: 28 March 2014, 01:50:07 pm »
I just don't understand why we cant put more emphasis on the parents role, as it is their job, not mine!

If you don't want little hormone harry jerking off to hardcore porn don't give him the means to. Why dont families have communal internet access in a family room only and stop giving the little buggers their own ipads/phones therefore removing the means to access pornography?

Try giving them a football or a book to entertain themselves!

The parents need to learn to say no and do some parenting. Britain is turning into a child-centric nanny state. I thought one of the few positives of a conservative govt is that they believe in a more lasiez-faire approach, but obviously not. Imagine how bad it would be, if by some minor miracle, Labour got into government next   >:(


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Re: Porn site age-check law demanded by media regulator
« Reply #5 on: 28 March 2014, 02:58:18 pm »
I'm not sure how effective parental controls are at home nowadays as I've long since left home and I always found a way around it. But as for phones every thing's blocked anyway. I have to keep ringing them up to confirm my age every time I get a new phone.

I do agree with keeping young kids away from porn and all the fake stuff. Yes if you're an adult you have your own real life experiences and can make an informed choice about if you want to watch it. As a child or under 18) they're watching all this free porn thinking this is the norm and then everyone has high expectations about what real life sex actually is. For those who have seen Zack and Miri make a porno, that's what I mean.

As the article says it won't affect the free sites so it's pointless. I assumed unless you were after something specific you wouldn't bother paying for porn. Whats the point when there's so much available for nothing.
If it seems too good to be probably is.


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Re: Porn site age-check law demanded by media regulator
« Reply #6 on: 28 March 2014, 03:06:25 pm »
As a parent I do agree that it's the parents job to watch what their kids are seeing.

But as for only letting them use a communal pc/laptop that can be difficult as you need to use the Internet for a lot of homework these days.


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Re: Porn site age-check law demanded by media regulator
« Reply #7 on: 28 March 2014, 03:18:15 pm »
I'm not sure how effective parental controls are at home nowadays as I've long since left home and I always found a way around it. But as for phones every thing's blocked anyway. I have to keep ringing them up to confirm my age every time I get a new phone.

I do agree with keeping young kids away from porn and all the fake stuff. Yes if you're an adult you have your own real life experiences and can make an informed choice about if you want to watch it. As a child or under 18) they're watching all this free porn thinking this is the norm and then everyone has high expectations about what real life sex actually is. For those who have seen Zack and Miri make a porno, that's what I mean.

As the article says it won't affect the free sites so it's pointless. I assumed unless you were after something specific you wouldn't bother paying for porn. Whats the point when there's so much available for nothing.

I agree with this. I'm not sure how easy it is to monitor children's internet usage as a parent. Again, its not like alcohol consumption wherein it is difficult to access if you are underage and the signs and symptoms of usage are very apparent. But generally I don't its an either/or, state/parent things anyway...
But I think for the most part its just about getting the conversation out there. Its the milk and bread of many men and women's masturbatory lives these days and children now are growing up with that sexual paradigm.

For me its primarily just getting the conversation about sex and porn out there in a sensible and level headed way, using the facts as best we have them, and informing young people non-judgementally about both sex and relationships INCLUDING issues surrounding homosexuality, polysexuality, prostitution, porn etc etc Not such showing them photos of wombs an'shit.

Some people get hot under the collar about this sort of thing, but I'm like, if young people ARE getting to porn younger than ever, I don't want it to be the sole education about sexuality, gender, relationships, the industry blah blah.. that they receive.


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Re: Porn site age-check law demanded by media regulator
« Reply #8 on: 28 March 2014, 03:21:23 pm »

The parents need to learn to say no and do some parenting. Britain is turning into a child-centric nanny state. I thought one of the few positives of a conservative govt is that they believe in a more lasiez-faire approach, but obviously not. Imagine how bad it would be, if by some minor miracle, Labour got into government next   >:(

I think the Tory's are mostly interested in not telling you what to do when it comes to money. They like telling people what to do when it comes to what goes on with your body and inside your bedroom. See, prostitution, abortion rights, gay marriage, Ann Widdecombe etc etc for further details  ;)


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Re: Porn site age-check law demanded by media regulator
« Reply #9 on: 28 March 2014, 05:14:21 pm »
One of the main problems I  have with this proposed law is, men don't want to be tracked when they go to websites like adultwork. This effectively will build up sexual profiles of everyone who uses the internet, and who knows maybe be used against you if courts request the records.

I blame pop stars e.t.c (miley cyrus, rihanna, chris brown  singing about pussy, fucking, bitches e.t.c) sex on tv, sexualised childrens clothing, tv adverts, video games, movies e.t.c  Everywhere you look, sex is used to sell everything. I don't think knowing about sex is bad, just with it everywhere, it's the only thing people can think about. In my opinion this is what is introducing children to porn. And maybe these dumb politicians should sort this out first. Just an opinion.

More parents should put their foot down, but I guess they can't do that, cause your child will just report you to the social services lol, because of more laws the government brought in banning everything ( and I don't mean physically abusing your child) just discipline that has worked for past generations.


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Re: Porn site age-check law demanded by media regulator
« Reply #10 on: 28 March 2014, 05:27:18 pm »
I watched today on sky news that this is being made compulsory to age verify. Now know why Adult Work changed.


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Re: Porn site age-check law demanded by media regulator
« Reply #11 on: 28 March 2014, 06:25:19 pm »
I blame pop stars e.t.c (miley cyrus, rihanna, chris brown  singing about pussy, fucking, bitches e.t.c).

The thing is though people have been singing about sex since the charts began and probably before that.

The difference is that then parents restricted what their kids listened to and didn't take their young kids to concerts that were too old for them
« Last Edit: 28 March 2014, 06:49:09 pm by ChrissieDavaar »


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Re: Porn site age-check law demanded by media regulator
« Reply #12 on: 28 March 2014, 06:59:04 pm »
I think the major problem is the free tube sites who do not verify someone's age to view them and are based abroad outside of the laws of this country and ATVOD.   Before that you had to pay to view porn via a website, or borrow a DVD/VHS off a friend.  It is too easy to view hardcore videos these days.  Making people verify their age on paysites will not stop kids viewing porn simply because that is not how they find it, they will view it the way they have done for the few last years, for free on a tube site.  Unless they can stop the free tubes, this is a totally pointless exercise.

I can see webcam sites becoming more regulated too, if they continue to allow people to view for free, like myfreecams and others where I have seen hardcore stuff with no age check.