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Author Topic: Please support the new decriminalisation bill in Scotland!  (Read 1397 times)


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Please support the new decriminalisation bill in Scotland!
« on: 12 November 2015, 10:21:30 am »
Sex worker-led charity SCOT-PEP has been working with a member of the Scottish Parliament (MSP), Jean Urquhart, to create better laws for sex workers in Scotland. The proposals that we have been working on with Jean are now open for consultation, which means organisations and individuals can look at what we?re suggesting, and write in to agree or disagree, or suggest improvements.
We think it?s really important that sex workers write in to the consultation ? these suggested new laws are about sex workers? rights and safety, so people who are selling sex or sexual services in Scotland deserve to have their views heard!
We hope that you?ll support all or most of these proposals, but we?re giving you the information you need to respond regardless of what you decide to say.
The deadline for responses is December 1st, 2015. You can respond by emailing or posting your response to Jean Urquhart MSP, Room M3.20, Scottish Parliament, Edinburgh EH99 1SP.
You can respond anonymously using any name you like.  If you?re emailing with an email address that includes your real name, just be sure to write in your response that you want it to be anonymised. Or you can respond with an anonymous email (i.e one that has nothing to do with your real name) or post your response to Jean anonymously.
You can read the full consultation document, which explains all the proposals in detail, here: Here is a one-page summary of the key proposals, and you can also read more on our website, which is  The main changes we are proposing are:
? Repeal the soliciting and kerb-crawling laws
? Repeal the brothel-keeping laws to enable sex workers to work together indoors.  Our proposal is that up to 4 workers will be able to work collectively indoors without any license but larger brothels will need to be licensed.
? Repeal the ?living on the earnings of prostitution? laws so that sex workers can have joint finances with partners, family members and flatmates
Responding to an official consultation can feel a bit intimidating, but remember that you?re an expert when it comes to sex worker safety and rights. Some ideas as to what to say might be:
● Would you feel safer knowing that your workplace wouldn?t be raided? Say so!
● Would you feel more able to report any crimes against you to the police if sex work was fully decriminalised? Say so!
● Would you like the option of being able to legally work in a private flat with a friend or a couple of friends? Say so!
● At the moment anyone ?habitually in the company of a prostitute? can be prosecuted as a potential pimp: if you have a partner or housemates, and think they should be able to hang out with you and even share household bills without being at risk of prosecution, say so!
● Is the income you get from working important in helping you support your children, care for relatives, or for sending home to your family abroad? Say so!
If you would like to get in touch with SCOT-PEP, either to discuss these proposed new laws, or to discuss anything else ? or to get involved in our sex worker-led campaign! ? you can email us on, or phone 0131 622 7550.