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Author Topic: PhD Research Study on Sex Workers Experiences in Scotland and New Zealand  (Read 3123 times)


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My name is Anastacia Ryan and I am doing research for a PhD study through the University of Glasgow, entitled ?A Comparative Study of Sex Workers Lived Experiences in Scotland and New Zealand?.

I?ve previously worked for New Zealand Prostitutes Collective and am also a board member of Scot-pep and a member of Sex Worker Open University

My PhD research aims to explore sex workers lived experiences from a perspective of social justice and inclusion in two comparable legal environments of New Zealand (where sex work was decriminalised is 2003) and in Scotland, where there are various laws regulating sex work with a push by some in recent months to criminalise clients. I?ve completed interviews with over 20 sex workers in New Zealand and am now hoping to interview women working in Scotland.

All research conducted is from a sex workers rights perspective and grounded in the understanding that sex work is work.

I am seeking female sex workers to take part in interviews between February 2013 and May 2013. The interview will take approximately one hour. The research has been approved by Glasgow University Research Ethics Committee. Each participant will receive a ?15 voucher as a small token of appreciation of giving up your time. All information provided will be treated in strict confidence and all names will be changed to protect your identity.

I am based in Glasgow but work through in Edinburgh (at the Global Network of Sex Work Projects) so happy to meet you in either city or can travel to other places in Scotland to meet at a mutually convenient location. If you would like further information about the research or about me as a researcher please don't hestitate to get in touch.

Tel: 07581458375

I really hope you decide to take part in this research as I hope for the findings to be fully informed by the experiences of sex workers. 

Warm wishes,
