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Author Topic: Petition to stop financial institutions discriminating against sex workers  (Read 9786 times)


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Hiya I was wondering if people can sign and distribute  my petition, it’s been approved by parliament today. The petition needs 10,000 signatures to get a response from parliament and 100,000 to have it debated in parliament.After years of been discriminated against, I have had enough and I have done a petition that has actually been approved by the government (for once) . This is what the petition will says, you will find the link below, thanking you in advance xx

"Ensure sex workers are not excluded from banking services

The Government should review current laws to ensure that people who work in the sex industry can access banking services. They are often refused bank accounts because of the nature of their jobs, even though it is completely legal and they pay tax. Sex workers also struggle with loans, mortgages etc.

I work in the sex industry and have been refused for 15 bank accounts because of the nature of my job even though it is completely legal and I am registered with HMRC. People should not be discriminated against because they work in the sex industry."


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Done and if anyone's wondering, they ask whether you're a UK citizen and take your name, email address (which you then verify for your name to be added to the petition) and your postcode. They also state that your name won't be made public.


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Thank you  :)  and yes I asked why people’s personal details were necessary and it is to ensure real signatures and not for peoples information to be published Xx also to ensure people can sign petition once.


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Signed. :)


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It registers on the petition when people have signed, folks :)


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I've signed.

I've been thinking more and more about this lately.  The banks are making it more and more difficult to bank cash.  At the moment it's ok if you have a business account, however, I think even that will be monitored more closely soon and you will have to prove where the cash comes what they deem as a legitimate business.

I would be quite happy to take card payments but wouldn't take the risk as it's  to easy for someone to get nasty and report what it's for.


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Signed  :)


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It registers on the petition when people have signed, folks :)


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My friends and I simply lie about the nature of our business.

I agree that this is not fair, and we shouldn't have to hide the nature of our work!
I long for a day where this will no longer be the case.
"Stripe"' - (US Based) - who are ubiquitous in the banking services industry- gave me no choice other than to spend countless hours creating a fake website for a fake business. I asked why I had to provide so much evidence about the nature of my business- they said "to ensure I am not engaging in immoral business ".
In a secular state, (which in the UK are fortunate enough to live in), the "morals" of a customer should be completely irrelevant to a business- If you are not causing harm to another, then it is not for "Stripe" CEO to decide whether one's business practices are immoral or not.


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To be fair, if you use a US bank then you're never going to be able to be honest because prostitution is illegal there (see also PayPal). There is no comparable reason for UK banks to behave like this.

One More Rodeo

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Are we happy with the Government's reply? It only mentions personal bank accounts.
There's a limit as to how much cash can be paid into a personal bank account.

Aussie Male Escort

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Are we happy with the Government's reply? It only mentions personal bank accounts.
There's a limit as to how much cash can be paid into a personal bank account.

Their response doesn't even mention the word 'Sex Worker' but does make a point of bringing up sex trafficking and modern slavery. Lists a few wishy washy platitudes about policies that already exist in general terms, for everyone, presumably including sex workers but without mentioning us specifically despite that being the entire point of the petition. Disappointed.
Their response =

"HM Treasury has designated the largest current account providers to offer basic bank accounts – personal current accounts with no overdraft or fees – to eligible UK residents with no bank account.
The Government seeks to ensure everyone can access useful financial products and services. As part of this, we recognise that banks and building societies occupy a privileged position in society and are essential to enabling people and businesses to manage their money.
Credit institutions, covering all UK banks and building societies, cannot deny UK consumers access to personal payment accounts based on a range of protected characteristics.
For individuals having difficulty opening a personal bank account, the nine largest personal current account providers in the UK must offer fee-free basic bank accounts to “unbanked” customers. This means everyone can manage their money effectively, securely, and confidently. As of June 2022, there were 7.4 million basic bank accounts.
The Government is also increasing customer protections. The minimum notice providers must give before closing an account will increase from two months to 90 days, so people have time to deal with, or challenge, this decision. Firms will also need to provide a sufficiently detailed and specific explanation to customers, increasing transparency.
The Money Laundering Regulations apply to regulated firms, including banks. These ensure key professionals identify their customers and understand a transaction’s purpose, including the source of funds. These risk-based checks help firms identify and report suspicions of money laundering linked to crimes such as human trafficking and modern slavery.
The availability of lending products, such as mortgages or credit cards, and decisions about offering services to businesses are commercial decisions in which the Government does not intervene. The Government will regulate only where there is a clear case to do so, to avoid increasing costs for providers that could ultimately lead to higher costs for customers.
The mortgage and consumer credit markets are principally overseen by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). The FCA’s rules do not prevent lenders from lending to any potential borrower, including self-employed customers, as long as it is affordable, and the borrower’s income can be shown to be sustainable.
If personal or business customers are unhappy with a firm’s handling of their affairs, they may be able to make a complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS), which provides swift and effective dispute resolution with financial services firms. The FOS can direct firms to put things right, including reinstating closed accounts or providing compensation.
HM Treasury"

One More Rodeo

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Exactly, Aussie ME.
I would sum up their response as: "Yeah, whatever."
They shoved us into "protected characteristics".
I think the point was that we're running a legitimate, legal business and should be treated as such. They didn't address it.


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I was very disappointed with the response