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Author Topic: Journalist - South Asian lifestyle magazine - DESIblitz  (Read 1433 times)


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Journalist - South Asian lifestyle magazine - DESIblitz
« on: 27 April 2018, 01:06:25 pm »
Before you dismiss this message thinking it's just 'another media request,' please hear me out.

I am a journalist from the leading online South Asian magazine, DESIblitz. I aim to focus my next piece on the plight of sex workers, specifically within South Asian communities (within the UK.)

With the article, I wish to speak about sex workers, from the perspective of the sex worker him/herself. The issue is already stigmatised as it is, even more so among the Asian population. Often such pieces focus on the general topic of sex work, but I wish to delve away from this. I aim to eliminate the stigma surrounding sex work and to shed light and encourage empathy among the community.

I am seeking case studies and/or potential sources for South Asians in the field of sex work. I would like to hear peoples' stories, preferably face to face. Remember, we can anonymise identities, change voices, blur faces and change names. If a face to face interview is too intense, we can, of course, switch to email/phone call.

It is important to bear in mind that my intention for writing this piece is to broaden perspectives and mindsets. I do not wish to name or shame anyone. A topic shrouded in taboo, it is time for the world to hear one another's stories and put themselves in the shoes of another.

Below is a link to my published articles.

Thank you
