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Author Topic: Call for Research Participants on Online Sex Work  (Read 5407 times)


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Call for Research Participants on Online Sex Work
« on: 21 October 2021, 03:11:46 pm »
Hello! My name is Rebecca and I am a sex worker ally and a third year PhD student at the School of Law of the University of Reading.

For my thesis ‘Porn Workers’ Rights: Insights for New Labour Law Regulations’, I am investigating how to recognise and enforce porn workers’ rights and freedoms in the online British porn industry. Part of my research is based on empirical data collected through interviews; I am investigating what working in the porn industry is like and what could be done to empower porn workers from an employment law perspective.

Unfortunately, researching on sex work is very stigmatising and I could not secure myself funding. I thus won't be able to pay the participants for their time. Sex workers themselves might be wary of academic research and of the law itself. We are seeing way too many ways through which Parliament is simply introducing laws that will hinder the life of sex workers. However, I strongly believe that the only way I can argue in favour of sex workers (to improve their working conditions) is by listening to their voices and carrying out interviews.

As an outsider to the industry, I do need help to find some workers to interview and that could give me their opinion on what they feel they need and what law they would like to see. My research would otherwise be only speculative and probably of no good help for sex workers' rights.

If you work in the porn industry or otherwise define yourself an adult content creator or an online sex worker, please contact me at or through this platform.

If you could be so kind to circulate this call for research participants to anyone you know that could be interested in taking part to this project, that would be much appreciated. Any little help is welcomed.

With Very Best Wishes,

Rebecca (PhD Candidate, University of Reading, School of Law)



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Re: Call for Research Participants on Online Sex Work
« Reply #1 on: 28 October 2021, 02:49:55 pm »

I'm always really skeptical of people who call themselves sex worker allies. What does that mean?

Regarding finding participants, have you tried stripperweb? Or ambercutie?

There are some really prolific sex workers who are vocal sex worker rights advocates as well such as Vex from fourchambered or Pandora Blake or Jason Domino who is part of SWARM. I'm in SWARM and we don't generally disseminate academic calls but individuals may be willing to help.

Also remember if you dont have money there are other ways you can give back to your participants. Maybe offer to look over their CV if they want to apply for a civvie job but have suspicious gaps on it. Maybe volunteer at an outreach or advocacy group. Money helps but it isn't the only way.