I wonder how this is going to affect AdultWork since it’s registered in Malta or Cyprus. Can they still block that somehow?
It includes any company that has substantial links to the UK, which includes having a lot of UK based users, which would include AW.
The terms "inciting or controlling prostitution for gain" are pretty vague though, as it could be argued that sites like Adultwork do neither, as both imply active direct involvement in bringing women into prostitution and then controlling their work. If a term such as 'facilitating' was used, that would be more clearly damning against directories. Its pretty confusing and uncertain. Like, maybe the pressure will be on sites like AW to get rid of agency advertising and so forth, that may be me being hugely optimistic. But there again, according to the ECP's website it has long been against the law to advertise sexual services in the UK in any case, so maybe even if this passes it'll sit like other of the mass of British legislation, like a lame duck.