Hi we are seeking people who have experienced online image abuse or content shared without consent etc. to help us out at the Revenge Porn Helpline. We are conducting a needs assessment to help develop an online safety hub for content creators and/or people who work online. Currently under UK law adult industry workers are not protected if their images/created content are stolen or shared without consent if they have been uploaded to a platform as it is then deemed public. The Revenge Porn Helpline want to develop a specific site which will offer advice, support and ways to report, as a preventive tool for content creators, but we need your help! If you have experienced any of this and felt frustrated at the lack of support/advice available, you can help in two ways, either fill in our 5 minute survey (link below, you will need to copy and paste into the address bar), or take part in an interview (approximately half an hour) and receive a £25 Amazon voucher by emailing Gaynor at gt151@leicester.ac.uk . All information is confidential and we do not keep any personal information, more information is in the survey or I will reply to the email with more.
Thanks Gaynor x
or the twitter link below: