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Author Topic: Northumbria University Dissertation- Researching entry into sex work  (Read 3757 times)


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Hi, my name is James and I am currently a student at Northumbria University completing my dissertation in Criminology, I am writing to you to ask if you could complete my online questionnaire if you have at any point in your life or currently been a sex worker.
The aim of this project is to discover, compare and critically analyse the different reasons why individuals become involved with sex work, there is currently a body of academic literature that identifies the reasons for entry into sex work. Unfortunately this literature is mainly based on female based street prostitution and negative reasons for entering the sex industry. This questionnaire will aim to delve deeper into why individuals who are not the main focus of the literature enter other forms of sex work, for example male and transgender erotic dancers. Whilst the questionnaire actively seeks alternatives to street based prostitution, it does not exclude this aspect of the industry. The questionnaire will take roughly 15 minutes and will be asking you questions regarding why you became a sex worker.

This questionnaire and research project has been fully approved by Northumbria University and has passed ethical approval. You have the right to withdraw from the questionnaire at any point. No personal information such as name or contact details will be collected and all information will be safely secured on a password protected computer and deleted upon completion of the project.
I hope that my research will uncover reasons why individuals become involved with the sex work industry and hopefully help build a better picture that can ultimately help aid in the working and human rights of sex workers.

Unfortunately I cannot offer any reward for completion of the questionnaire due to having no funding, upon completion of the questionnaire if you wish to see the results and/or final dissertation I am more than happy to send you these.

Many thanks, James.
« Last Edit: 01 February 2017, 10:17:38 am by James@northumbria »


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Re: Northumbria University Dissertation- Researching entry into sex work
« Reply #1 on: 01 February 2017, 11:33:37 pm »
I started to fill in and got to around page 4 and the spelling is really bad 'handeling' and 'diferintely ' as in : did you handeling it? And: would you do things difererintely so I lost confidence in it !


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Re: Northumbria University Dissertation- Researching entry into sex work
« Reply #2 on: 01 February 2017, 11:55:37 pm »
I haven't looked at it, but I would urge everybody to hang fire until the OP has provided some credentials to show that he is who he claims to be - the free Gmail address used to register isn't helpful and nor does it prove a thing.

In your own time, James. We'll have your proper university email for starters and also some information as to the aims of this project in a criminology context given that prostitution is not illegal? Why you apparently got a nine year old to write it for you can wait.


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Re: Northumbria University Dissertation- Researching entry into sex work
« Reply #3 on: 02 February 2017, 01:45:06 pm »
Hi all,

First of all I would like to apologise for the delay in this reply, I have been very busy the past few days with university assignments. I would also like to apologise for providing a Gmail address to register, I done this originally as I wanted a separate email address to my university and personal address to keep things organized and simple. Upon reflection I now realise that was a very silly mistake, as you say the address does not back up who I say I am.

As for some information about myself I can give you my university email address which is, I am currently a final year student and the University Of Northumbria studying criminology. I decided to base my dissertation on the sex industry as this year I completed a module about the sex industry which I found to be very exciting and interesting. You are correct in saying that prostitution and sex work is not illegal and I can see how this would bring confusion given my degree being criminology, however there are some activities attached to sex work and prostitution that are illegal, such as violence against sex workers, which is why we study it in criminology.

The focus of my dissertation is reviewing both radical and sex positive feminist arguments for the entry into prostitution. More specifically I am aiming to critique radical feminist views that sex work is exploitative to women (and women only) and that the majority of women are forced into sex work in one form or another. The aim of my questionnaire is to hopefully critique radical feminism?s views by discovering that;

1.   Not all sex workers are female
2.   Not all sex workers are forced into sex work
3.   That there are so many reasons for entry into sex work

I hope that my research can contribute in the improvement of both the rights and working conditions of sex workers and make a positive impact on their lives. Finally I would also like to address what I can only describe as horrible spelling mistakes! I am admittedly terrible at spelling, the questionnaire that I posted was in fact the draft version which I stupidly posted. I can confirm that I have now attached the correct version and have went over with someone to check for any typos or spelling mistakes, thank you for those who did answer the questionnaire and putting up with terrible English.

Again I am very sorry for this inconvenience and hope I have not offended or put anyone off from completing the questionnaire in the future, if you have any questions at all regarding the questionnaire or feedback please feel free to contact me on

Thank you for your time, James.

Link to Survey-


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Re: Northumbria University Dissertation- Researching entry into sex work
« Reply #4 on: 02 February 2017, 01:50:08 pm »
On a side note, I have also changed my email address on both the questionnaire and my account on this site, again apologies if this created a lack of trust.


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Re: Northumbria University Dissertation- Researching entry into sex work
« Reply #5 on: 02 February 2017, 08:55:08 pm »
I haven't looked at it, but I would urge everybody to hang fire until the OP has provided some credentials to show that he is who he claims to be - the free Gmail address used to register isn't helpful and nor does it prove a thing.

In your own time, James. We'll have your proper university email for starters and also some information as to the aims of this project in a criminology context given that prostitution is not illegal? Why you apparently got a nine year old to write it for you can wait.
Thanks Amy appreciated :)


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Re: Northumbria University Dissertation- Researching entry into sex work
« Reply #6 on: 08 February 2017, 01:40:37 pm »
Hi all,

Recently I posted a link in this forum to a survey for my dissertation which rightly so came under criticism for poor etiquette, i.e. not supplying relevant contact information for myself along with credentials as well as not supplying relevant information about the aims of the survey and project. I also foolishly sent the link for the draft version of the survey which understandably created a lack of trust in the survey. I would first like to apologise for this and secondly ask if any members had a spare 10 minutes if they could complete the questionnaire, it would be a massive help for my dissertation. I will list bellow details regarding the survey and project along with my contact details.

Name of Project- Exploitation vs Freedom:A critical review of radical feminist views on sex work and a small study to discover why people become involved in sex work.

Research Organization- University of Northumbria at Newcastle

Researchers Name- James Lemin-BSc Criminology Student at the University of Northumbria.

What the research is about- The survey seeks to explore reasons why individuals become involved with the sex work industry. The aim of my research is to discover and compare the various reasons why individuals become sex workers and critique main stream radical feminist views on both the reasons for entry into sex work as well as the sex industry in general. I hope that my research can contribute in the improvement of both the rights and working conditions of sex workers and make a positive impact on their lives.

At no point in this research will you be asked to give any personal details that may give away your identity (Name or contact details). This research is 100% confidential and anonymous, all data received will be viewed by myself alone. All data collected will be saved securely on a password protected computer and will be destroyed upon completion of the research project. The data collected will be analysed and used in a 10,000 word dissertation as part of my BSc Criminology degree, results of the project will be available once completed via email.

All information that is collected will be 100% confidential with no names taken at any point, furthermore this research has been approved by the University Ethics board and participants hold the right to withdraw at any point.

Link to Survey-

If there is any more information that you require please feel free to ask.

Thank you very much for your time, for further information, questions or feedback please contact

« Last Edit: 08 February 2017, 01:53:36 pm by James@northumbria »


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Northumbria University Dissertation Research- Entry into Sex Work
« Reply #7 on: 05 March 2017, 12:53:48 pm »
Hi all,

I previously posted here about an online questionnaire for my Criminology degree at The University of Northumbria. I would like to thank those who took their time to complete the questionnaire, it really is a massive help! I am coming to the final stages of my dissertation (21st March :FF) and I could do with just a few more respondents as it would massively help my research and findings. The questionnaire will take approx. 15 minutes to complete. Please see bellow details of the project. 

Name of Project- Exploitation vs Freedom: A critical review of radical feminist views on sex work and a small study to discover why people become involved in sex work.

Research Organization- University of Northumbria at Newcastle

Researchers Name- James Lemin-BSc Criminology Student at the University of Northumbria.

What the research is about- The survey seeks to explore reasons why individuals become involved with the sex work industry. The aim of my research is to discover and compare the various reasons why individuals become sex workers and critique main stream radical feminist views on both the reasons for entry into sex work as well as the sex industry in general. I hope that my research can contribute in the improvement of stigma, the rights and working conditions of sex workers and make a positive impact on their lives.

At no point in this research will you be asked to give any personal details that may give away your identity (Name or contact details). This research is 100% confidential and anonymous, all data received will be viewed by myself alone. All data collected will be saved securely on a password protected computer and will be destroyed upon completion of the research project. The data collected will be analysed and used in a 10,000 word dissertation as part of my BSc Criminology degree, results of the project will be available once completed via email.

All information that is collected will be 100% confidential with no names taken at any point, furthermore this research has been approved by the University Ethics board and participants hold the right to withdraw at any point.

Link to Survey-

If there is any more information that you require please feel free to ask.

Thank you very much for your time  :), for further information, questions or feedback please contact



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Re: Northumbria University Dissertation- Researching entry into sex work
« Reply #8 on: 05 March 2017, 05:46:59 pm »
Shame you think our time comes for free  :FF I would have happily taken part but my time isn't for free


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Re: Northumbria University Dissertation- Researching entry into sex work
« Reply #9 on: 05 March 2017, 11:28:45 pm »
Shame you think our time comes for free  :FF I would have happily taken part but my time isn't for free

I think there is a difference between media requests and scientific studies.

The media have a commercial purpose and often have a sensationalist intent. There is no reason for us to help for free the media to make more money.

  On the other hand, university studies are often poorly funded and the results of studies can benefit sex workers by helping to change laws and reduce the social stigma associated with sex work.


Ok I have answered your questionnaire because I'm tired of seeing so many people think we are victims and exploited. Which is certainly not the case for me.

Read this article:

Most sex workers in Canada are comfortable in their work, according to a national survey of prostitutes, their partners, clients and managers.

The study, funded by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research and based on hundreds of interviews in six communities, found that 70% of sex workers are satisfied with their jobs. Eighty-two per cent feel they are appropriately paid and 68% feel they have good job security.

?They don?t see themselves as victims in the sense that they?ve been portrayed in the current [prostitution criminalization] bill,? said lead researcher Cecilia Benoit. ?They?re actually a lot like you and I. They just haven?t had quite so many advantages in some cases.?

During debate over the Conservative government?s new prostitution law, Bill C-36, which seeks to abolish the industry by criminalizing it, the bill?s supporters have portrayed sex work as intrinsically exploitative......

And read the scientific study behind the article I have just quoted

I hope this will help!
« Last Edit: 05 March 2017, 11:32:40 pm by Lotus300 »
"Only good girls keep diaries. Bad girls don't have time." Tallulah Bankhead


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Re: Northumbria University Dissertation- Researching entry into sex work
« Reply #10 on: 06 March 2017, 09:35:21 am »
Thank you Lotus300 and others who have took their time to complete the questionnaire, I really can?t thank you enough! Also thanks Lotus300 for the article.

As much as I?d like to offer some sort of reward for completing the questionnaire, due to no funding and being an undergraduate this is not possible. But thanks all the same for replying to my post.

Whilst it is just a small undergraduate study I hope that it can go some way in helping break old fashioned and tired views of sex work.

Thanks, James.

April Showers

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Re: Northumbria University Dissertation- Researching entry into sex work
« Reply #11 on: 06 March 2017, 06:01:21 pm »
I also feel the same way as Lotus and filled out the questionnaire ...........


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Re: Northumbria University Dissertation- Researching entry into sex work
« Reply #12 on: 08 March 2017, 03:44:51 pm »
Thank you to all who have filled in the questionnaire so far, without your help I would be in trouble so I can't thank you enough. The information provided has really opened my eyes and made me think about this subject on many different levels.   :)

Tomorrow (9th March 2017) at approximately 6pm will be the shut off date for the questionnaire, so if you wish to fill it please do so before then.

Link to questionnaire-

Thank you very much for your time, James. :)


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Re: Northumbria University Dissertation- Researching entry into sex work
« Reply #13 on: 30 March 2017, 06:38:06 pm »
Hello James,
Unfortunately, I was unable to complete your study as I am a new member. However, I would be very interested in reading your dissertation as I presume many others would. Furthermore, I am curious as to how your critique off radical feminism went because as you mentioned in a previous posts the answers you received opened your eyes; be that as it may, did your views on radical feminism change and although it was a small study, did the answers change your views on sex workers also? 

I understand how difficult an undergraduate dissertation is, however, if you plan to continue studying, a Masters is just more in-depth. To continue your research into sex work you would be significantly funded if you achieved a 2'1 or above. Sex work, as you have mentioned is under studied in the academic world and the opinions of the government and society in general are, amongst other things, negative and ill-informed.

Good luck with your study and I hope you can share a link to your work?     


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Re: Northumbria University Dissertation- Researching entry into sex work
« Reply #14 on: 31 March 2017, 02:59:30 am »
 i second Whisper. ;)
"Only good girls keep diaries. Bad girls don't have time." Tallulah Bankhead