Hi all,
I previously posted here about an online questionnaire for my Criminology degree at The University of Northumbria. I would like to thank those who took their time to complete the questionnaire, it really is a massive help! I am coming to the final stages of my dissertation (21st March

) and I could do with just a few more respondents as it would massively help my research and findings. The questionnaire will take approx. 15 minutes to complete. Please see bellow details of the project.
Name of Project- Exploitation vs Freedom: A critical review of radical feminist views on sex work and a small study to discover why people become involved in sex work.
Research Organization- University of Northumbria at Newcastle
Researchers Name- James Lemin-BSc Criminology Student at the University of Northumbria.
What the research is about- The survey seeks to explore reasons why individuals become involved with the sex work industry. The aim of my research is to discover and compare the various reasons why individuals become sex workers and critique main stream radical feminist views on both the reasons for entry into sex work as well as the sex industry in general. I hope that my research can contribute in the improvement of stigma, the rights and working conditions of sex workers and make a positive impact on their lives.
At no point in this research will you be asked to give any personal details that may give away your identity (Name or contact details). This research is 100% confidential and anonymous, all data received will be viewed by myself alone. All data collected will be saved securely on a password protected computer and will be destroyed upon completion of the research project. The data collected will be analysed and used in a 10,000 word dissertation as part of my BSc Criminology degree, results of the project will be available once completed via email.
All information that is collected will be 100% confidential with no names taken at any point, furthermore this research has been approved by the University Ethics board and participants hold the right to withdraw at any point.
Link to Survey- https://app.easyquest.com/en/Collect/add1bfd9-c076-4eb9-ac3b-219bfd44e2e5
If there is any more information that you require please feel free to ask.
Thank you very much for your time

, for further information, questions or feedback please contact james.lemin@northumbria.ac.uk