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Author Topic: New research in Glasgow  (Read 1330 times)


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New research in Glasgow
« on: 20 February 2014, 01:35:38 pm »


Would you be willing to be part of a study looking at how law, regulation and rules impact on sex work? Interviews lasting up to 60 minutes can be arranged by telephone or face-to-face, or can be conducted online by email. They will take place between January and October 2014 with an emphasis on privacy, confidentiality and anonymity. For further details, please telephone 07760525396 or email

[Title edited to removed all caps]
« Last Edit: 20 February 2014, 01:51:01 pm by amy »


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Re: New research in Glasgow
« Reply #1 on: 20 February 2014, 02:53:48 pm »
My hourly rate is ?120, would you be willing to pay this for the interview?
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Holly T

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Re: New research in Glasgow
« Reply #2 on: 15 March 2014, 02:52:31 pm »
LL's comment summed up my first thoughts on this when I saw the post elsewhere. 

After hearing that a few clients had met with her I was curious and gave her a call to ask some questions.  The phone call put me at ease so I opted to meet with her face to face over coffee and had a good chat on how the law currently affects the way I work.  Came away feeling like it was a really positive experience.

Might help any ladies who are on the fence to know that while her research needs to remain impartial, I'd consider 'lawmatters' to be an enlightened woman - as in she seemed to understand my perspective on certain topics, specifically that I am greatly offended by those who presume that my clients are abusing me or that I am a victim because of something that I choose to do with my body.  So did not in any way feel judged or looked down upon for what I do for a single moment.