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Author Topic: New Internet Rules  (Read 4628 times)

Chanel xxx

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Re: New Internet Rules
« Reply #15 on: 22 November 2013, 01:04:01 am »
Well the opt into adult content option has been proposed to come into force in January or April 2014.

I haven't checked if this is hearsay (daily mail) or if its been put into law but I do know that across the world Britain has become a laughing stock due to about a nanny state? Its embarrassing and it shows another way in which this nation is sleep walking into becoming a zombie nation.

So in a way I applaud the 120 thousand and however many 'bastards' of France as at least they are taking a stand ( following in the footsteps and showing an admiration for the 144,000 'sluts' who stood up for women's rights in the 1970s )and are exercising their constitutional rights as tax paying members of a liberal democratic 'civil' society  to protest and ensure the voice of the public majority as it relates to them be heard. So yes Men of Britain stand up as you represent modern liberal civil democracy!

Its true at the end of the day even though the Great British empire is no more and I morally disagree with alot of went on in history..we cannot close our eyes and pretend that Imperialism never happened. It did. and we shouldn't feel shame for the actions of our ancestors or for what our ancestors suffered. And no I'm not a one with a chip on my shoulder because I know that colonialism was honed and perfected upon the native tribes of England, the Scottish Celts, Irish Gaelic and the Welsh before the great ships sailed. But now as British we are collectively enjoying the rewards of the spoils of the past

Our Government should act on behalf of its people and not their own interests. But with all the laws now in place to restrict our opinions by criminalising and destroying the personal and professional lives and reputations of those who choose to act upon their democratic right but I also cannot blame those that just want to keep quiet.

I am one who sees what is going on across all borders but what can I do? Small insignificant me? Whore, slut, prostitute, woman, child of immigrants?

But you and me are women and men and all the blessed who transcend silly categories  who since the beginning of time have made the lame feel like they can walk again and bring Lords and Kings to the their knees. So yes let sign petitions and stand tall. The most fundamental right of the people in a first world nation is to shout loud and proud and make our voices heard when our Government choose to ignore us?
So, what she done said was that happy hoes ain’t hating and hating hoes ain’t happy.


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Re: New Internet Rules
« Reply #16 on: 22 November 2013, 11:13:55 pm »
The daily mail claim to be behind this, so I guess the government don't want to be in the media's bad books cause of elections. I wonder what is going to be banned or restricted after this.


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Re: New Internet Rules
« Reply #17 on: 26 July 2014, 11:57:06 am »
Well, that went well ;D



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Re: New Internet Rules
« Reply #18 on: 27 July 2014, 08:37:44 am »
God, I know! Was worried that everyone was becoming politically right obsessed. Even if someone did want to opt in. It too too restictive and blocks many pages not even related with porn. People not opting in is sticking the middle finger up to the sad minority who want to put great controls on our live, so good luck with them tryin to introduce new laws based on these statistics. But when someone is murdered again  they will try blame porn, not the fact that some people are born evil.

Sassy Slapper

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Re: New Internet Rules
« Reply #19 on: 11 August 2014, 09:56:26 am »
Well I use Sky broadband and so far I have received no notification or request as to wether I want an adult filter on my broadband. I think they are to busy blocking the movie streaming sites as half of those nowadays come up with "blocked by sky bsb"