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Author Topic: New Internet Rules  (Read 4627 times)

Mrs Mischief

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New Internet Rules
« on: 22 July 2013, 02:03:34 pm »
Looks like our work is set to drop due to new internet rules that will mean porn filters are on by default. Sites like AW will be labeled as adult so not accessible any more to the majority of UK internet users. How are married men going to justify to their wives that they have asked for the adult filter to be turned off ?


Link edited so non-clickable
« Last Edit: 22 July 2013, 02:06:31 pm by Daisy_ »


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Re: New Internet Rules
« Reply #1 on: 22 July 2013, 02:37:24 pm »
i thought it was only Child Porn they were going to block totally ...I wouldnt worry about the "opt -in " filters that much ......Most blokes do their "porn-ing" on tablets/iphones ect ....they would be daft to do it on a family comp !! ( some will i know - but majority are sly n do it on tablet/phone _)

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Re: New Internet Rules
« Reply #2 on: 22 July 2013, 02:44:18 pm »
People who are looking for child porn and so on already know where and how to find it, and it isn't floating around on Google. This is just another excuse for making responsible adults suffer because some people can't be bothered to look after their children properly - the stuff the Daily Mail would have us believe is one click away from your eleven year old doing their homework is buried deep in a Tor browser somewhere.

I changed my broadband provider last month and part of the 60 second or so setup process was ticking a box which said 'Do you want our 'family friendly' filters on?', I ticked No and that was the end of it - most people wouldn't even think about it. There isn't a huge I Watch Porn! icon in the corner of the screen, and as Cleo says I'd suspect most blokes will just use their phones or buy a dongle.

Holly T

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Re: New Internet Rules
« Reply #3 on: 22 July 2013, 03:17:33 pm »
Amy mentioned exactly what I think this is about... the government stepping up to do what bad parents won't. 

Though as far as I am aware child porn is illegal ("In the United Kingdom, it is illegal to take, make, distribute, show or possess an indecent image of a child. In the context of digital media, saving an indecent image to a computer's hard drive is considered to be "making" the image, as it causes a copy to exist which did not exist before. Indecency is to be interpreted by a jury, who should apply the recognised standards of propriety. A child in this context is a person who has not reached the age of 18." Source: Wikipedia)

I don't think AW will be affected too much by this as many people will have the filter turned off as soon as it comes into force.  I've no idea what time frame Cameron wants on this but I think the government really should have a debate about it before anything is enforced.  People don't like being told what they can and cannot do - and being able to masturbate with some visual and audio aid is something a great many of us (myself included) enjoy.

There's already an e-petition doing the rounds -  https://

Personal opinion: Maybe ISP's should block Cameron  ::)
« Last Edit: 22 July 2013, 03:24:56 pm by Holly G Taylor »

Chanel xxx

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Re: New Internet Rules
« Reply #4 on: 22 July 2013, 10:07:38 pm »
Well if they seek access on thier mobile phones instead of the family PC as many do already theres no problem. I for one would relish that fact that minors wont be able to access my xxxx rated services.
So, what she done said was that happy hoes ain’t hating and hating hoes ain’t happy.


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Re: New Internet Rules
« Reply #5 on: 22 July 2013, 11:53:50 pm »
But it's not up to the state to police, control or track what perfectly legal material people decide to watch in their own homes on their own equipment, is it?

Children shouldn't be accessing our sites anyway, and if they're determined to look at porn they'll find a way easily enough if their parents couldn't give a shit about it and don't take any measures to stop them - there are plenty of blocks and filters people can put on their computers to guard against this if they want to. Either way the government has no reason to make a wholesale blanket decision for the rest of us.

Even if this was enforceable (and I'm guessing the majority of the population will just switch the filters off anyway) which I doubt it is (since January 2009 what was 'usefully' labelled 'extreme' porn depicting consenting adults hasn't been legal either and it's not hard to find) anybody who has ever had their phone dump an unexpected Adult Content Block on them whilst they've been out and about will know that it's an incredibly blunt instrument. Sites which would be blocked include this one, for example.
« Last Edit: 22 July 2013, 11:57:42 pm by amy »


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Re: New Internet Rules
« Reply #6 on: 23 July 2013, 09:07:19 am »
 Hi all this is the direct link to the petition  against.

I have just signed .  They have already had over one million sign .

Jessica X

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Re: New Internet Rules
« Reply #7 on: 23 July 2013, 10:34:48 am »
Hmm yes Amy I see know. Its not an ideal situation after all That is true we shouldnt live in a nanny state. Its slowly turning into 1984  :o :'(
So, what she done said was that happy hoes ain’t hating and hating hoes ain’t happy.


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Re: New Internet Rules
« Reply #8 on: 23 July 2013, 12:29:45 pm »

 There are some excellent comments on the link https:// that Holly posted
one of the  comments was regarding Cameron saying that he may make it illegal to own any material to do with rape

   " They might decide all BDSM porn is rape porn as it often doesn't look consensual, despite the fact that most people know that the scene has been prearranged and it's all an act.

If the do that, would that give them an in to make BDSM sex itself on par with rape?"

With reference to my earlier post can I correct something 13,000 have actually signed the petition not 1 million that is the amount the protesters are hoping for so lets help them girls!!  This is a down ward slope I feel and where will it end ? It opens the door to Censorship if not already bad parenting has been mentioned I totally agree .  The way we are going guys will be scared to search let alone look for fear of getting spied on !

Jessica X


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Re: New Internet Rules
« Reply #9 on: 23 July 2013, 05:06:05 pm »
I did once accidentally click on a link that took me to a 'real rape videos' site that started playing a sample. That it was clearly as real as the Daily Mail's view of the world was obvious in seconds. If you were an unsuspecting woman wandering around the house, you would be asking what the camera crew were doing following you around and pointing the camera meaningfully at the window the 'rapist' was about to come through. It didn't help that a reflection during a 'point of view' shot, looking in at her, showed it was the same crew, doing another shot possibly days earlier or later. Ban that, and you need to lose The Accused (1988) and much else.

The Chinese have text based ban lists. At least one has been leaked, so we can see that they're pretty odd even allowing for machine translation. But doing text matching on searches and results is simple.

Here, the technically illiterate PM and media supporters imagine there is a way to automatically know if an image or video could be classified as unacceptable (to whom?) This is harder, to put it mildly. If the ISPs and search engines have any balls, they will be asking for a precise unambiguous programmable definition of what to ban - rather than 'stuff I don't like' which is what it appears to be at the moment - with a guarantee that they will be indemnified against damages for 'false positives'. The government will either fail totally to come up with it or they will solve several major problems in Artificial Intelligence. Either way, result!

Even with text, there are problems. Ban a word or phrase and people use other ones. (It's probably why the Chinese lists are so weird - they're trying to keep up with an evolving target). I am hoping that 'conservative' becomes the new code word for porn, and such searches get banned. Before that happens, do they really want to ban searches for 'block child porn' because of the last two words?

I'm sure I've told the story about how an internet kiosk at my ex-work - a project for male and trans sex workers - blocked the entire site because somewhere on it was the word 'breasts'.
'The Ian formerly known as SW5'. What they said: "Indispensable", "You are our best resource", and (hours later!) "I'm afraid that you're being made redundant..."


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Re: New Internet Rules
« Reply #10 on: 23 July 2013, 05:38:19 pm »

I'm showing my age, but I used to regularly check the weather forecast on Teletext because there was a UK 'town by town' page which had a specific forecast for Scarborough, so it was handy.

Below Scarborough was Scunthorpe, which used to appear with the second to fifth letters replaced by asterisks...


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Re: New Internet Rules
« Reply #11 on: 27 July 2013, 07:18:02 pm »
Guys sorry to bang on but we really all need to sign this petition.  Amy off here wrote a brilliant blog  this morning on AW where she tells of setting up on Talk Talk having to answer set up questions and then finding out shes been put on a list as she said heaven knows who will read this list also the point is its given information about ourselves without good reason !
We should all be concerned.  Great White too also wrote a blog where he said he is a CONSENTING adult they seem to be forgetting this , here is the link again there are now 25,000 signed it , so come on lets make it a million. We seem to be getting the wrap again for bad parenting .
Heres the link
« Last Edit: 27 July 2013, 07:20:29 pm by jessica07 »


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Re: New Internet Rules
« Reply #12 on: 19 October 2013, 01:59:58 pm »
Many countries block adult sites I'm presently on holiday in Turkey and aw and all adult sites including saafe is blocked

Last year you could get on aw as sites fine

Lucky for e I have a VPN on my ipad and phone socan still get on all my sites


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Re: New Internet Rules
« Reply #13 on: 07 November 2013, 05:40:27 pm »
I agree with Amy, it you look at other countries, they started off banning small things, next they will be banning people's political views. I do see the other side of the argument about preventing children for easily accessing it. But  S&M porn has been banned if I am not wrong, its because of one man who killed a woman, was obsessed with it, and some how we are all going to turn into killers.

South Park (love it) raise an interesting point in an episode, how parent's would be more concerned if there child was watch a porn movie and are not if they were watching a beheading video / murder / snuff.

I think society has got it priorities wrong and is obsessed with making everything sexual, and anything to do with it evil.


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Re: New Internet Rules
« Reply #14 on: 08 November 2013, 01:08:49 pm »
Signed and shared.