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Author Topic: National Ugly Mugs Visual Violence: SWer experiences of image based abuse - £50  (Read 5463 times)

International Whore

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About the Project
The internet has enabled sex workers to connect with customers, sell physical sex and sexual content, and form friendships and communities; however, with this comes an element of risk. Images can be used against sex workers to cause harm.

What We Want to Know
This research is deliberately broad and guided by sex workers and allies. We want to define what visual violence is and how it affects sex workers in the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland.

We aim to understand how sex workers’ lives are affected by the non-consensual sharing of sexual and non-sexual images and the impacts of having images shared without permission.

Who We Are Partnering With
This research is conducted in a participatory manner in collaboration with sex worker organisations. We are proud to partner with Umbrella Lane (UL), the English Collective of Prostitutes (ECP), Sex Worker Advocacy and Resistance Movement (SWARM), Sex Workers Alliance Ireland (SWAI) and individuals from under-represented groups.

Key dates and how you can get involved
Planning and development with partners of this research project started on 15th April 2021 and will end on 15th October.

Research interviews and surveys will commence on 4th June 2021 and run until 1st August 2021.
The survey is now live, please access it HERE  Survey participants who need support o participate will be provided with a £15 gift card to a selection of retailers as a thank you. We aim to collect 80- 100 surveys.
We will be conducting interviews as part of this study. Sex workers with experience of visual violence can contact researchers using the email below. Interview participants will be provided with £50 gift cards as a thank you.
If you are a sex worker who would like more information about this project please contact us at We’d love to hear from you.

Twitter: #VisualViolence2021


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Thanks for sharing the details of this project, IW.
I have emailed to offer myself as an interviewee.
The online survey, though, seems to have closed - it says "This typeform is not accepting any new responses".
Even so, thank you again and a thank you both to NUM and to their research partners.


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...The online survey, though, seems to have closed - it says "This typeform is not accepting any new responses"...
NUM would like as many of us as possible to respond to the survey.
To access it, email them and they will send you the necessary link.


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There seems to be a lot of these about at the moment - Gaynor is doing one too (thread currently below this one).

As somebody who many years ago had her website gallery pages printed out and handed round her local pub, I'm having difficulty with calling this 'violence', mostly because I've experienced actual violence and this - as distressing and abusive as it undoubtedly is - is categorically not it.

I realise it's nitpicky, but I think wording is incredibly important if we're ever going to be taken seriously and this sort of systematic rewriting of the English language makes it far too easy to dismiss such complaints as overdramatic and hysterical which women (always women ::)) are dismissed as far too often already.

International Whore

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Just wanted to say a quick thanks for everyone who has participated  in this research project. I have thoroughly enjoyed chatting with fellow workers. If anyone else would like to be involved then please do get in touch.  :)