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Author Topic: My radio show  (Read 1941 times)


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My radio show
« on: 24 January 2011, 05:47:20 pm »
Hello ladies!

I introduced myself in another thread, but since I am going to post my link to my radio show on this thread I will share some more info here as well.

I have a radio show on blog talk radio, its an online station so anyone anywhere can listen to it. I get the sense that most of you are in the UK, so I should mention I believe UK callers can call in on a skype number. Or you can come into my chat room while I am on air.

This is a brand new show and I am a new host. I plan on discussing topics that are of interest to all sex workers. Health care, safety, money, education, etc. If anyone has any topic ideas please PM me here or shoot me a email to jpak0444(at)

Also would be interested in having guests on my show.

Here is the link