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Author Topic: Motivation to escort  (Read 25800 times)


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Re: Motivation to escort
« Reply #30 on: 28 January 2009, 05:21:33 pm »
Given that even protection does not safeguard fully against contracting STDs, I think it is valid to say that escorts put themselves at a higher risk when compared with a woman on a one night stand, given that escorts expose themselves to such a risk many times over a longer period, assuming the woman on a one night stand does it once.

I have to say that is a very naive perspective my friend, what makes you think that a woman having a one night stand doesn't do it every chance she gets, often in an enebirated state and frequently without protection. Ok, a WG will probably have more encounters, but responsible ones such as me will take all precautions we can and we do check the guys out for any visible symptoms and take appropriate measures, which would include terminating an appointment and refunding the money.

There are many jobs and pass times that are dangerous and involve taking calculated risks.

A soldier knows he can get shot, blown up, take prisoner, will see his friends killed -but if he's clever he assesses the risks he takes.

A trapeze artist can fall or miss a catch and be responsible for the death/injury of his partner - he knows his capability, he knows the risks and assesses them and will only take the ones he is happy to do.

A rock climber can fall to his death, firemen, nurses, fire eaters, weightlifters, traindrivers, etc.

As for enjoying sex being the motivation, i can only speak for myself, of course I do, but I think most will agree that if we didn't enjoy it, it would show and we wouldn't be sucessful, as in any job.

Personally I will also tell you that with the right attitude this is an incredibly empowering thing to do. I am proud and humbled at the same time that there are gentlemen out there who will pay to spend time with me because they appreciate my company, find me interesting as a person and think I am beautiful and sexy and come back to see me as often as they can.
Live your life in such a way that when your feet hit the ground in the morning, Satan shudders and says: "Oh shit, she's awake!"


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Re: Motivation to escort
« Reply #31 on: 28 January 2009, 08:13:23 pm »
My motivation was wanting to do something I could be good at - and eventually extremely succesfully with excellent financial rewards.

Regards risks? The only time I ever 'caught' anything was back when I was quite young, naiive and had only had a couple of sexual partners. It was an 'innocent' one night stand.

Since then I've always been careful made sure I minimise any risks.


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Re: Motivation to escort
« Reply #32 on: 29 January 2009, 07:15:22 am »
sorry but at the risk of upsetting my fellow WGs can i just say that this thread is starting to sound like something out of a punter forum.  We have been asked that same old question 'what made you start escorting' by a punter on a forum for escorts and pandering to it.

Mate, I think 2 of us have now suggested you go to a punter forum.  When you do look this subject up and it is discussed frequently.

Its actually no one elses business what motivates one lady to work or another and will be different from one to another so perhaps if thats a question you want answered before you fuck someone you should specifically ask the lady you choose to spend time with.  But good luck with that as i would automatcally think you were a TW  if you asked me before we met.

And as for sti's.  If you are a grown man then it is your responsibility to educate yourself in these matters (I assume you are a grown man).  If one of my clients wants to know what precautions i take, i will tell him.  I will also ask him the question back.  Its a 2 way thing.


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Re: Motivation to escort
« Reply #33 on: 29 January 2009, 07:39:53 am »
We have been asked that same old question 'what made you start escorting' by a punter on a forum for escorts and pandering to it.

Yes, but he's not to know that it's a question that we are continually asked. If he is as new as he says he is, and judging by his naivete I can well believe that, he'll also be new to every other aspect of punting, including message boards. His questions still deserve some sort of response. Whether or not he accepts those responses is up to him.
You take each new enquiry at face value and offer your advice or opinion when asked. If you don't want to answer them, then don't.

Considering that it is a question we are asked all the time, I think the ladies on here handled their responses pretty well. But I also do agree that he should maybe ask at somewhere like Punternet for a male perspective.


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Re: Motivation to escort
« Reply #34 on: 29 April 2009, 09:53:04 pm »

What was the essential motivation for you, or someone you know, into becoming an escort?

money, self employed, easy life, quick cash and whatever else


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Re: Motivation to escort
« Reply #35 on: 01 May 2009, 01:26:31 am »
Essentially an older man offered me money to have sex with him about six months ago and as he seemed like a decent guy, so I thought "why the hell not". When I went through with it I found that I really enjoyed the whole experience and the rest, as they say, is history.

The following are a few reasons why I enjoy this job
  • The money and hours - of course
  • The job satisfaction. It's infinitely rewarding - you should see the faces of some of my clients after I've finished with them. To know you are good at your job just from someone's body language (and occasional limp) is a great feeling. It's also fantastic for your ego (not that mine needs much help ;))
  • The people I meet
  • The sex. I am a very sexual person - something which I am not shy about. I love sex and I usually have great sex with my clients.
  • The buzz

A prostitute's sexual health is her livelihood - don't you think she will take the utmost care to protect it?
I keep making this point on various forums I am on, but never that concisely! *saves to notepad*

If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds' worth of distance run,
Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it,
And - which is more - you'll be a Man, my son!
"if" - Rudyard Kipling