You missed out an important one:
Some are free spirits who dont want a 9 to 5.
I am pretty much unemployable and loathe being told what to do and where to do it, particularly when it means lining somebodys else's pockets to take home a pittance. I work as a prostitute for the money, of course - just as I did when I worked in a supermarket, a factory and as a cleaner. Unlike those days however, I am now happy, successful, physically and mentally healthy and completely financially independent. I run a legitimate business which has taught me a wider-than-you-might-think variety of skills, which (aside from the obvious ones

) include photo editing, basic bookkeeping/accounting and advertising/marketing techiniques (in the writing of my website and blog, which I worked extremely hard on and am proud of, considering I have no qualifications as such, and only went to school for something to do when it was raining). I have also learnt more about human nature than most people get to do in a lifetime, and am heartened to say that the majority of my findings are good.
I work happily, willingly and completely independently, and am categorically not coerced, pimped, managed or in any way under duress. I am not in financial difficulty, addicted to any substance legal or illegal, nor am I a victim of physical or emotional abuse of any kind. I can choose when, and even if I work and have ample opportunities to spend time with my family and friends; I can afford to eat good fresh food and sleep properly each night. There are probably other jobs I could do but I do not intend to find out anytime soon - as far as I am concerned my clients are stuck with me until they nail me in my Y-shaped coffin, and that's a while off yet. I realise that I am in the minority, as my job is not a stopgap as such, but ladies like me do exist!
As far as STDs go, I did have one once - I was twenty two and caught chlamydia off a cheating boyfriend. I have had sex of various kinds with probably well over a thousand men since then and never caught a thing. A prostitute's sexual health is her livelihood - don't you think she will take the utmost care to protect it? And the number of times a woman (or man) has sex is completely irrelevant - I could have 10 clients a day five days a week, take precautions and not catch a thing, or I could go out, get pissed and shag a stranger once without a condom and catch half a dozen different STDs. It might help if you try to think of us as you would any other professional service provider, rather than relying on unsubstantiated media stereotypes.
Apart from anything else, if I was addicted to drugs or alcohol, what business is it of yours? There are plenty of alcoholic plumbers and housewives, drug addicted doctors and so on. I earn my money and will spend it as I see fit, and that includes sticking it down my neck, up my nose or in my arm if I choose to. Likewise bareback - I do not offer it as I believe the health risks to be more than I am prepared to take, but what others choose to do with their bodies is up to them. Whether we like it or not there is clearly demand, or it would not be offered - each participant's sexual health is their own responsibility and it is the individual's prerogative which services he or she chooses to avail themselves of or not.