Given that even protection does not safeguard fully against contracting STDs, I think it is valid to say that escorts put themselves at a higher risk when compared with a woman on a one night stand, given that escorts expose themselves to such a risk many times over a longer period, assuming the woman on a one night stand does it once.
I have to say that is a very naive perspective my friend, what makes you think that a woman having a one night stand doesn't do it every chance she gets, often in an enebirated state and frequently without protection. Ok, a WG will probably have more encounters, but responsible ones such as me will take all precautions we can and we do check the guys out for any visible symptoms and take appropriate measures, which would include terminating an appointment and refunding the money.
There are many jobs and pass times that are dangerous and involve taking calculated risks.
A soldier knows he can get shot, blown up, take prisoner, will see his friends killed -but if he's clever he assesses the risks he takes.
A trapeze artist can fall or miss a catch and be responsible for the death/injury of his partner - he knows his capability, he knows the risks and assesses them and will only take the ones he is happy to do.
A rock climber can fall to his death, firemen, nurses, fire eaters, weightlifters, traindrivers, etc.
As for enjoying sex being the motivation, i can only speak for myself, of course I do, but I think most will agree that if we didn't enjoy it, it would show and we wouldn't be sucessful, as in any job.
Personally I will also tell you that with the right attitude this is an incredibly empowering thing to do. I am proud and humbled at the same time that there are gentlemen out there who will pay to spend time with me because they appreciate my company, find me interesting as a person and think I am beautiful and sexy and come back to see me as often as they can.