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Author Topic: migrant sex workers - research  (Read 2235 times)


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migrant sex workers - research
« on: 11 June 2014, 02:30:57 pm »

I'm relatively new to the forum, but in my 'other life' outside of all of this I'm also a student. I'm applying for a PhD at the Uni of East London that focuses on feminist organising in migrant rights. Half of the PhD focuses on the history, and the latter half on contemporary movements.

I've already spoke to and got on board a migrants rights movement in London who are really keen to be a part of the research if I'm successful with my application, and I want to also write and research migrant sex workers organising for employment and labour rights. So before I do the application, I want to see if I have some groups on board or people on board who I can say are willing- obviously that's nothing to do with names but just so I can literally say to the uni, 'i've pitched my idea to these groups/people and they want to be a part of my research idea that I'm proposing to you please pick meee' etc.

So if any migrant sex workers who are involved in organising and campaigning (whether online or in person, it doesnt matter) for sex workers rights and would be up for it, please do contact me (and/or let people you know about this if they might be interested).

if i'm successful obviously i'll be able to tlel people far more about what i want to do but as this is just the application stage it's a long way to go before i actually am doing it, if i'm so lucky.

thank you :)