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Author Topic: Media request from The Economist magazine  (Read 1345 times)


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Media request from The Economist magazine
« on: 24 October 2013, 05:00:13 pm »
I'm a journalist at the Economist. I'm writing an article about the economics of commercial sex work, focusing on escorts, comparing the situation in a variety of different countries, including the UK. Would anyone be willing to talk to me about their experiences of how you got into the business, what prompted it, how long you've been working, how you established yourself (through an agency? Independently? Advertising on or offline?), how you set your prices, whether you have changed them and what prompted that, how police/government policy affects your business. I'd be particularly interested in talking to people who have worked in more than one country and could compare the situation.

I realise that the media does not have a good track record when it comes to writing about sex work so would want to reassure you that this would not be a salacious or moralising piece; it is about the economics of sex work. The Economist has always argued that people should be able to buy and sell whatever they choose to. I would also point out that this work should not be lumped together with trafficking/street work etc - that it is an entirely different business.

Please reply or send me a message if you would be interested in talking. Obviously I would be happy to talk anonymously and omit any details that you were uncomfortable with me publishing.

Thanks again,


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Re: Media request from The Economist magazine
« Reply #1 on: 24 October 2013, 05:06:17 pm »
Hi Josie and welcome to SAAFE :)

I've worked in several different countries (with varying legal situations) and advertised in all sorts of different ways on and off over the last eleven years, and I'm happy to help with a sensible sounding article - I've sent you a PM, so if I can help just let me know.